Monday, May 10 th, 2004 FOCUS: Each part of the digestive system has a specific job that it does. During this week, we will learn both the structure and the function of the digestive system. We will also learn about ulcers, gall stones and other problems of the digestive system. In addition, we will learn about a few other animals’ digestive systems. TOPIC: Human Digestive System ACTIVITY 1.Turn in your old journals for 5/3-5/7. Take new ones. 2.Quiz on 10:1 3.Video: Human Body – The Digestive System REMINDER/HOMEWORK: Page 11 of packet. Do the first three rows of the worksheet on the Mouth, Esphagus, Stomach.
Tuesday, May 11 th, 2004 FOCUS: The digestive tract (food tube) is very long. The esophagus is about 1.5 ft. long. The small intestine is about 22 ft. long. The large intestine is about 5 ft. long. That’s 28.5 ft. of digestive power, all packed together in your abdominal cavity. Each part has a special role it plays in digestion. TOPIC: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ACTIVITY 1.Work on pages 11 and 12 in class today! – Due Thursday. 2.Discuss villi and folding in the digestive tract. REMINDERS/HOMEWORK: REVIEW THE ANATOMY CHART ON PAGE 3 OF YOUR PACKET – QUIZ TOMORROW.
Tues. Continued: VILLI Increases surface area of the intestines, hundreds of times Villi of the small intestine
Wednesday, May 12 th, 2004 FOCUS: The large intestine is around 5 feet long. It concentrates undigested material, usually plant fibers. Nearly all of the water in your digestive tract is reabsorbed into the blood form the large intestine. Bacteria breal down some plant fibers and produce methane gas. Vitamin K is also produced. Feces passes into the rectum for storage and elimination. TOPIC: DIGESTIION ACTIVITY 1.Review digestive system anatomy 2.Quiz on digestive system anatomy 3.Introduction to digestive system team project REMINDER: PAGES 11 AND 12 WILL BE CHECKED TOMORROW.
Thursday, May 13 th, 2004 FOCUS: The stomach and small intestine can be damaged by acid from the stomach. Too much acid can cause an irritation that allows bacteria to attack the walls of the digestive tract. Medications to reduce acid secretion and antibiotics to kill the bacteria will allow the sores (ulcers) to heal. Pepcid AC and Zantac are acid reducers. TOPIC: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ACTIVITY 1.Pages 11 and 12 will be checked today. 2.Work on designing digestion theme park. REMINDERS: Think about your theme park project. Use your imagination.
Friday, May 14 th, 2004 FOCUS: The gallbladder stores bile that is produced by the liver. Bile acts like a natural detergent, breaking fat into microscopic globbules so that it can mix with the digestive juices of the small intestine. Lipase, an enzyme produced by the pancreas, digests the emulsified fat into fatty acids and glycerol. These simple chemical are easily used by the body cells. TOPIC: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM PROJECT ACTIVITY 1.Finish your project plan and get it OK’d 2.Begin work on your “theme park” REMINDERS/HOMEWORK: DO PAGES 13 AND 14 IN THE PACKET