What were Mussolini’s main goals for Italy? What were his weaknesses?
In 1922 Lenin and the communists formally created a new state called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) In 1924 Lenin died and a power struggle began within the Russian Politburo. One group was led by Leon Trotsky, while another group was headed by Joseph Stalin. By 1929 Stalin had eliminated his rivals in the Politburo.Trotsky left Russia for Mexico in 1929, he was murdered in 1940.
Suffered numerous strokesNo clear successor -Trotsky vs. StalinLenin advised against StalinLenin dies in 1924Petrograd renamed Leningrad Lenin’s Death
Most popular Bolshevik Stalin still managed to cut out of the party Exiled to Kazakhstan in 1928Expelled from Soviet Union in 1929Assassinated in Mexico in 1940
Stalin’s plan for rapid Russian industrialization Took private farms and placed them under government control collectivization. Emphasized maximum production of capital goods Goods devoted to the production of other goods such as heavy machines Five Year Plans
Result: millions of workers and their families lived in pitiful conditions Strict laws limited where workers could move Workers increased by millions between 1932 and 1940 The total investment in housing actually declined in 1929 Little provisions made for enormous expanding working class in cities The Social and Political Costs of the Five Year Plans
Great Purge of 1930’s any opposition to Stalin was sent to labor camps in Siberia or executed. Including all the old prominent Bolsheviks Estimated 8 million imprisoned or executed by the late 1930’s
The Stalin Era overturned most of the permissive social legislation that was passed in the early 1920’s Stalin viewed families as a small collective in which parents were to teach discipline, hard work, and a sense of duty to their children Divorced fathers who did not support their children were heavily fined
Democracy failed to survive in Spain. Spanish military forces under Francisco Franco revolted against the democratic gov’t in Foreign intervention complicated the war.Germany and Italy supported Franco.The Soviet Union sent troops and advisors to aid the republican gov’t.
Germany used the Spanish Civil War to test new weapons and break in their newly formed air force. In 1939 Franco’s forces captured Madrid
Read pages and answer the following questions: 1.Describe Lenin’s New Economic Policy (NEP). 2.Define Politburo 3.What was Stalin’s goal for the USSR? 4.What were the Five Year Plans? 5.Describe the Great Purge of the 1930’s. 6.Define collectivities. 7.List the countries who participated in the Spanish Civil War.