UNICEF By: Chante Haber
UNICEF UNICEF: executive board governs UNICEF Focuses on issues affecting children all around the world Mainly in developing countries
Election to the executive board Only certain members are elected Each year in April or May the Economic and Social Council elects United Nation Members From: Africa Asia Eastern Europe
Latin America The Caribbean Western Europe And other states.
Members Has 36 members Elected for 3 year terms Western Europe and other groups rotate schedules so members don’t serve an exact 3 year term
members Africa Cape Verde Congo Liberia Malawi Namibia Soma lia Sudan Tunisia Eastern Europe Belarus Estoni a Russian Federation Slovenia Asia Bangladesh China Indonesia Kazakhstan Pakistan Qatar Repub lic of Korea Latin America and the Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda Colombia Cub a El Salvador Uruguay Western Europe and Others Belgium Denm ark France Germany It aly Japan Netherlands New Zealand Spain Sweden United Kingdom United States of America
Secretary Maintains a relationship between UNICEF secretariat and the Executive board. Does the work for the Executive Board: Formal sessions, informal consultations and briefing, meetings etc.
Bureau Consist of the President and four vice presidents They each represent one of the 5 regional groups elected by the Executive Board Presidency rotates among the 5 groups every year
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