Hebrew Scripture = Old Testament. Broken into 4 parts, all with their own style and message. Main theme: The covenant made between God and God’s people, that God will never abandon his people because he loved them so much. Pentateuch, Historical Books, Wisdom Books, Prophets are the four distinct parts. There are many different books within these parts.
The word literally means 5 part writing. ( PENTA) First five books of the Hebrew Scriptures are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy The Pentateuch is also known as the Torah or the Law. It is the beginning of the Israelites Salvation History. Compiled BCE (Before common era) _ BEFORE JESUS!! Lesson found are: God wants to be in relationship with us. Contains the creation narratives,Noah and the Exodus.
Our Sacred History taught in a faith perspective. It recounts the history of the Israelite people during the time period of BCE. Lessons Found: Ups, Downs, Joys and Pains of the Israelites. God is involved and cares about the human experience. People are rewarded when they choose to follow God’s laws. Contains: Hanukkah story (1 Maccabees 4:52-59)- days of dedication
Sometimes called the wisdom and poetry books because they contain vivid poetic language. “Wisdom” was very valued in this time. To be wise was seen as a gift from God. Compiled: BCE Lessons found: Our search for life’s meaning, our search for life’s harmony, life lessons and the belief that goodness is rewarded and evil is punished. Contains: Psalms, some of the most beautiful literature ever created.
People called to give guidance and comfort people in times of crisis. They posed a challenge to people to remain faithful to the Covenant. Compiled: BCE Lessons found: Act justly, treat others well. Avoid idolatry and explore God’s ever loving mercy.