EDUC 321 Art Workshop I Exploring the Arts: Teaching and learning with, about, and through the arts Carime Bersh, Ph. D.
“The very idea that we can change our schools and make them more effective centers of learning without educating children in the arts is simply false…” The Arts and Education Partners in Achieving Our National Education Goals, 1994.
Objectives: Students will identify the major fields of the arts and connect their importance with school and society. Students will identify reasons why the arts are essential to child development, creativity, understanding, making meaning and connections, academic success, self- knowledge and self-actualization. Students will build cross-curricular connections between the arts, literacy and social studies.
Objectives Students will develop a basic working knowledge of the arts and how to integrate them across the curriculum. Students will identify examples of art integration across the elementary school curriculum. Students will identify the National Visual Arts Standards for grades K-8 and apply those standards in developing ideas for a lesson plan.
What are the arts?
Why do we need the arts in schools and society?
The arts and child development Psycho-social development: Expression and communication : All that we think or feel cannot be expressed in words. Values of perseverance and hard work. Creativity: Artistic thinkers and creative problem solvers. Self-knowledge and self- actualization: “ language of the soul”. Connections: The arts as alternative to destructive behaviors.
More on the arts and child development Cognitive Domain: Higher academic achievement in other subject areas. Different ways of being smart (Gardner’s multiple intelligences). Brain development. Physical Domain: Fine and gross motor development. Good body posture and body language. Voice modulation and projection. Facial expression.
“A new concept of arts integration goes beyond using media, singing and drama for self-expression, solely, important as these are…a broader conception depicts the arts as indispensable sources of cultural and historical information, diverse perspectives and values.” (Cornett, 1999, p. 2).
An example of arts integration: Creating Original Opera New York Metropolitan Opera ators/creating_original.aspx ators/creating_original.aspx INTEGRATES Principles