Population Lesson 2 Unit 2
What Do I need To Know? »The study of population patterns helps geographers learn about the world. »Population statistics and trends are important measures of population change.
The BIG Idea »Population studies are an important part of geography.
Population »The total number of people in a given area.
Population Density »Is a measure of the number of people living in an area.
Where People Live »When an area is thinly populated it is often because the land does not provide a very good life. »Can you think of some examples?
Where People Live »When an area is highly populated it is often because the land has reliable sources. »Can you think of three reliable sources?
Birthrate »The annual number of births per 1,000 people.
Migration »The process of moving from one place to live in another.
Test YOUR Knowledge! »(Yes, you may use your notes) 1)Trace your hand on a blank sheet of paper. 2)In the center write “Population” 3)Label: »FOUR FACTS on fingers. »LIST one Main Idea on thumb. »COMPARE Franklin population to Bowling Green on your palm. »COMPOSE One Inference on wrist. »BONUS POINTS FOR CREATIVITY!
TEST »(You may ONLY use your HAND TRACE notes) 1.What information can we learn by studying population density? 2.Why do certain areas attract large populations? 3.Why is it important to study population trends?
Summary and Overview »In this lesson we have discovered why people live where they live, and how this affects our word. Geographers often study past and present population patterns in order to plan for the future. »After Fall break you will learn how government and economics affect our world.
Answer Key 1.The amount of open space, the price and availability of land, height of buildings, traffic on roads. 2.They might have fertile soil, a source of water, and a favorable climate for farming. 3.To understand current issues and solve future problems.