About Somalia By Ema
Contents Page 4:Map Page 5: Flag Page 6:language,religon,population Page 7: River, mountains, desert Page 8:Climate Page 9:Ecomany Page 10:Transpot
Page 2 contents Page 11:Currancy Page 12:Food Page 13:Clothes Page 14:famous people Page 15: Horrible facts Page 16:Fantastic facts Page 17:Glossary
Flag Each point represents a land that is for Somali people. Somalis think that one day all these territories can become a unified Somali nation.
Population, language, religion Population :10.7 million Language :Somali, Arabic, Italian, English Religion :Islam
River, mountains, desert, There is karkaar mountains and there is an desert called Ogaden plateau and there is an rivers called the Juba and the Shebelle
Climate In Somali it is extremely hot it can rain like 1 time an month but most of the times it is really hot
Economy Somalia doesn't really get money like us they trades but sometimes they sell bananas, mangoes, camels,trades
Currency The money is chilings and cents
Food People who work in farms in the south eat a more varied diet that includes corn, millet, sorghum, beans, and some fruit and vegetables. Also they get milk from camelssorghum
Transport They go on camel for transport also they have 1 airline and they have roads but not like England's they have muddy ones.
Horrible facts !!! Some kids get kidnapped every single day the boys have to be in a army when they are even 4 years old and has to hold an gun and. they use girls as maids and cleaners.
Clothing The women's wear jubbah or an head scarf and the boys wear an Topy and an jubbah
Famous people Edna Adan Ismail. Rageh Omaar Iman Nurudin Farah Fatima JibrellMo Farah
Fantastic facts Somalia is the only country in the world where all the citizens speak one language, Somali.
Glossary Climate-climate means what is the weather Currency-currency means what kind of money citizens-people Economy-how they get money Sorghum-it is an type of food Trades-swap with something like clothes for food