Liam, Ryan and Jamie’s Pitch.
Act 1: In the first act we'll focus on character development of our main character by showing that he likes to be alone, he doesn't have many friends and his parents are out quite a lot. We'll also show how much he is obsessed with crime and detective novels to foreshadow what is going to happen later on in the film. The boy – while “playing” detective, ironically witnesses a murder and the murderer knows that he's seen him. Act 2: The antagonist sees him witness the murder and calls him to tell him that he knows. The boy calls the police, but no one believes him - except one detective. The detective tries to keep him safe from the antagonist. Act 3: The antagonist captures the boy and tortures him, but before he can kill him the detective finds and track down the killer and kills him. Narrative and Plot
Opening title sequence content Our opening title sequence is about a lonely boy who really likes spy novels and he does the same thing everyday and this is walking home from school alone, getting home and being alone, and then reading his spy novels and makes himself food alone. This is what we are going to show in our title sequence. This sets up the rest of the film.
Narrative/Characterintro The opening title sequence sets up the rest of the film and this is because it introduces the main character and shows us his flaws, and this is the fact that he is very alone and doesn't really have anyone in his life. The only character we see in the opening title sequence is the boy and this really shows the audience that the film will revolve around him and his love for spy and murder novels.
Mise-en-scene Props The props we will use in our opening sequence will be simple, but they will give hints to the rest of the film. For example the spy/murder novel which hints on a murder later on in the film. Customs In the opening title sequence the only person we see is the boy so he will be wearing his school uniform to show he is just a school boy still. Setting/location It will be set in Brighton with him walking home through the streets to his house. Lighting and colour At the start it will be high key natural light as he walks home then when he is in its still natural light but just darker and gloomier to set the mood. Figure expression The boys figure expression and body language will be very slumped over to show that he is alone and not very confident.
Points of view shots for the antagonist – Creates a feeling that the villain is watching. Also makes the audience feel like they’re participating. Extreme close-ups on the antagonist’s eyes – Links in with the “I’m watching you” theme. It also doesn’t show the villains identity. Close ups on key props – Comics and inspector books to develop his character. Shot Ideas
Because our opening title sequence won't feature many Thriller-esque moments, we are going to get across that it's a thriller by the use of our music. Our music is going to be dark and gloomy and be slow paced. Slow editing – Because it represents his everyday life. Because it’s set in a city, there will be many diegetic noises like cars and wind. Sound and Editing
The titles would be in the theme of either Sherlock Holmes or another inspector book. This is because it is a crime/investigation thriller and it links in with his avid interest into detective novels. Dark and black colours – represents the dark and mysterious themes throughout the narrative. Red represents blood and danger. Other dark colours represent death. Titles