Chapter One Biology Review. Name the steps of a scientific experiment.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter One Biology Review

Name the steps of a scientific experiment.

Dr. Herc D= Define problem r.= research H.= Hypothesis e.= experimental setup r.= results c.= conclusion

Why should the problem be worded as a question?

You are setting out to solve a question that you are curious about.

Why is important to be curious in science?

Curiosity leads to asking questions.

What is inference?

The ability to figure problems out before you start because you already have a world of experience in your life up until now.

Is observation accurate? Why?

No many people see and perceive differently.

What is research?

Collecting information about the topic of the experiment from other valid sources before you start an experiment.

Why is it important to have a repeatable experiment?

If the same conclusion is obtained then it becomes a scientific fact.

What is a theory?

Something that has probably occurred because there is a large body of evidence that shows is probably did.

Explain what the two types of variables are.

Independent is what is being manipulated. Dependent is what occurs because of the independent variable.

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data?

Qualitative is gathered through observation and quantitative is numerical. Qualitative can be recorded as a chart. Quantitative can be recorded as a graph.

What is the correct way to record a conclusion?

State WHY you got the results that you did.

What are the characteristics of living things?

1. Cells 2. Reproduction 3. Use energy 4. Adapt 5. Grow and develop 6. Evolve

Do all cells have DNA?


Define growth.

The increase of mass in an organism.

What are the two types of reproduction?

Sexual and asexual Sexual requires gametes that fuse to form a zygote. Asexual spits and divides into two new cells.

Why is reproduction in an organism important?

It reassures the generation of species.

What is the difference between a stimulus and a response?

A stimulus is what affects an organism and response is the result.

Give an example of an organism that develops.

A mealworm turns into a beetle=metamorphosis.

What are the four things we will be measuring in the science lab?

Length Mass Volume Temperature

What is the basic unit of measure of length?


What is the basic unit of measure of volume?


What is the basic unit of measure of mass?

Kilogram or gram

What is the basic unit of measure of temperature?


How many centimeters are there in the meter stick?


How many millimeters are there in the meter stick?


How many meters does it take to measure a kilometer?
