©Contrinex JDC PPT_HF_Anticollision Anticollision algorithm J.-D. Chatelain
Inventory - Anticollision Identification number of the transponders Read/Write Module
Stack ABCDEF Slot Inventory - Anticollision Identification number of the transponders Read/Write Module 2 D Collision
Stack1 D Stack ABCDEF2 MaskSlot Inventory - Anticollision Identification number of the transponders Read/Write Module Collision 52 2
Stack1 D Stack2Stack3 52 Identification number of the transponders Read/Write Module ABCDEF 52 Slot Inventory - Anticollision Mask
Stack1 D Stack ABCDEFD Slot Inventory - Anticollision Identification number of the transponders Read/Write Module Mask END OF THE ANTICOLLISION ALGORITHM
©Contrinex JDC PPT_HF_Anticollision End of this chapterAnticollision algorithm J.-D. Chatelain