EDEX 726/796 November 2, 2013 Kim Person
I have some things to say. I am: not dumb not “retarded” Words can hurt.
I have a learning disability. Brain works differently Trouble with reading Can’t always remember: Letters, sounds, words What I just read
I have trouble: Listening and paying attention Keeping all of my stuff together Remembering what to work on next Believing I can learn to read
Mrs. Jones helps me learn by: Letting a friend help More time for some tests Reading some tests and information Testing in a quiet place Testing in a small group
Sitting near her/away from noises Shorter directions Teaching a little at a time Flash cards for important stuff Study guides, lists, organizing note books
Helping others with math Listening to books and reading along Bought a Mountain Dew? Couldn’t open it?
What would you do? Figure out how to open it? Can’t open, can’t drink! Accommodations “open” my understanding
Can learn (drink) what you learn (drink)
Learned about SLD last year: Extra help from RTI didn’t help Teachers, and others had meeting Took tests with psychologist Took tests from teacher
Special meeting with parents, teachers and others Needed special teaching from Mrs. Person Needed help in the room A program to help me learn IEP
So…please remember: We have things we do well Math, sports We have things we don’t do well Reading I am like you
I like : Music, video games, movies Phone, hanging out with friends Sports, PE, skateboarding, bike riding Eating junk food
I am: Not dumb Not ‘retarded” Words can hurt!
Sincerely, 4 th Grade Student with Specific Learning Disabilities