6. CONTROL FEATURES One control feature Zappos uses is on time delivery (4 days). Though the goal is overnight, customers are impressed that they deliver early 98 percent of the time. At Zappos, our belief is that if you get the culture right, most of the other stuff — like great customer service, or building a great long-term brand, or passionate employees and customers — will happen naturally on its own,” Hsieh writes
7. Organizational Culture Zappos cultural belief: “customer service should not be just a department; it should be the entire company. They believe that the company’s culture and the company’s brand are really just two sides of the same coin. The brand may lag the culture at first, but eventually it will catch up.
Organization cont 1) Deliver WOW Through Service 2) Embrace and Drive Change 3) Create Fun and A Little Weirdness 4) Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded 5) Pursue Growth and Learning 6) Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication 7) Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit 8) Do More With Less 9) Be Passionate and Determined 10) Be Humble
ZAPPOS Phone center
8. SWOT analysis Strength: 1. Customer oriented culture and services. 2. Hiring process. At Zappos. 3. Fun to work there. Weakness: 1. Nontraditional management. 2. Lack of marketing, This is because although there are many online shoppers today and the number is still growing, Zappos is unable to reach the majority of retail shoppers by only having the online outlet channel.
SWOT Cont Opportunities: Teaming with Amazon to help accelerate Zappos brand and culture. By pairing with Amazon Zappos is better position for long term growth and tapping Amazon market.
Threats: cyber-attacks Low wages; Average annual salary $48,000, Customer service representatives salary: $23,000 Average customer service They pay3% below the national average; however, they offer free medical, 401K match in order to stay competitive.
9. Conclussion and recomendations I would recommend in highly populated areas to open store front Zappos store. With the same customer service culture and now big brand store Zappos can continue to grow its name and sell its products. Continue the same culture that has gotten Zappos this far.