John 12:21.  Andrew - John 1:35-42  Andrew learned that Jesus welcomes investigation.


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Presentation transcript:

John 12:21

 Andrew - John 1:35-42  Andrew learned that Jesus welcomes investigation.

 Nathanael - John 1:43-51  Nathanael learned that Jesus knows what is in the heart of man.

 Nicodemus - John 3:1-21  Nicodemus learned that Jesus challenges men to see things spiritually.

 Woman at the Well - John 4  The Woman at the Well learned that anyone can come to Jesus.

 Man Born Blind - John 9  The Man Born Blind learned that Jesus will cause one’s faith to grow.

 Pilate - John 18:33-38  Pilate learned that Jesus will not force Himself upon anyone.

1. Jesus welcomes investigation 2. Jesus knows what is in the heart of man 3. Jesus challenges men to see things spiritually 4. Anyone can come to Jesus 5. Jesus will cause one’s faith to grow 6. Jesus will not force Himself upon anyone