Think Like Your Ag Teacher Insert your name here and a picture if you like
What is my favorite class to teach? Insert your answer here. Use the animation settings to customize the answer to come up on the screen after you click so that it does not automatically appear when the question appears. You may also just leave it blank or put your multiple choice options here as well.
How many hours a week do I work on average as the ag teacher?
What is my favorite thing about being an ag teacher?
How would I describe being an ag teacher in one word?
If the school were on fire would I Save the FFA Fruit Money OR My Grade book
How many SAE visits do I perform each year?
My favorite FFA CDE is:
On a typical day I arrive at school around:
What is my biggest pet peeve?
What is the number one thing students forget to bring to class each day?
Why did I become an ag teacher?
What is the most challenging part of being an ag teacher?
What is the most rewarding part of being an ag teacher?
What is the excuse I hear most often from students for not having their homework done?
My favorite land mammal is the:
If I was not an ag teacher I would most likely be a(n):
My favorite time of day is:
I would rather… Teach shop all day OR Teach landscaping all day
Where did I receive my Ag Education degree?
My favorite parliamentary procedure ability is:
My favorite tool in the shop is:
Feel free to add others here or have the students create questions.