Using Client Satisfaction Surveys as a Quality Improvement Tool
Client Satisfaction Survey Simplicity-able to collect client feedback but not too resource intensive Anonymous-open, honest responses- ’listening’ via surveys Focus on what clients may perceive to be problems Straightforward way to make and monitor changes Can lead to improved services
Satisfaction Surveys/QI Tool Measuring satisfaction may help you improve your Food and Nutrition program Strengthen communication between provider and client Assess program strengths and weaknesses—from the client’s perspective Focus on a specific topic for your QI effort Generate data quickly
SATISFACTION SURVEY PREP Preparing and constructing survey What elements to include? Specificity On what topic(s) do you want feedback? What is your program trying to assess?
F&N Performance Indicator 5 A client satisfaction survey is conducted annually. Components of the survey should address the following areas: Overall quality of the program services Quality of the food provided Quality of the nutritional education services Selection of food items meets your dietary needs Selection of food items meets your cultural needs
The Steps in a Survey Project Establish the goals of the project - What you want to learn? Determine your sample - Whom you will survey? Choose interviewing methodology - How you will survey? Create your questionnaire - What will you ask? Pre-test the questionnaire, if practical - Test the questions Conduct surveys - Ask the questions Enter the data - Analyze the data - Produce the report
Survey Planning & Process BUILD SUPPORT AMONG YOUR STAFF MEMBERS Recognize the critical role of program staff PREPARE FOR SURVEY ADMINISTRATION Train designated staff members -use role play and Q&A Promote the survey to your clients -flyers, newsletters, posters Emphasize that results will be used to help improve quality of services
Survey Process MAKE A SURVEY ADMINISTRATION PLAN Be clear on how to offer and distribute survey to clients Create a script for staff members - Emphasize purpose of the survey to improve program for clients -Assure anonymity—use sealed envelopes if needed -Include the option to decline-totally voluntary -Clear instructions to clients/How to return survey -Plan to help those clients who need assistance
Create a Sampling Plan Sample should be representative of client mix Distribute across time Make efforts to reduce bias/randomize Sample subset size: <
ADMINISTERING SURVEY Administer the survey to clients Confidentiality-considerations Check in to address any operational issues that could arise Adapt if necessary—remain attentive to process
Analyze Data Have strategy Compile survey results Client Responses into cumulative percentages Manual, Spreadsheet, Database Track survey results over time
DISSEMINATE RESULTS Distribute results to both clients and staff Summarize and display Prepare a presentation—chance to highlight staff efforts and to explain next steps Demonstrate effort of transforming data into action—purpose of survey
USE SURVEY RESULTS INCORPORATE RESULTS INTO QI INITIATIVES Importance of utilizing results Identify causes affecting your survey feedback-key to quality improvement Focus your team on these issues and use team to resolve Changing systems in program to make improvements