Business-to-Business Customer Satisfaction Research Some perspectives by Johan Badenhorst, PBS November 2009
Research Design Principles Aim for a holistic view, to include at least two of the following Perspectives, to create a higher level of insight: Client Competitor Employee Results must be both quantitative and qualitative Aim for regular data flow throughout the year Must enable comparative analyses across diverse businesses in the same organisation, for benchmarking and learning purposes Primary data collection via on-line methodology with selective and probing face- to-face exploration of trends and issues Annual aggregation of data for performance management and bonus consideration, if needed Feedback to clients ideally at portfolio level only Correlation of employee perceptions of service with other two (external) data sets CustomerCompetitor Employee
CLIENT BASE 1 st Quarter Campaign 2 nd Quarter Campaign 3 rd Quarter Campaign 4 th Quarter Campaign Distributed equally by Geography, Type, Size Qualitative Results Database Feedback to Clients Feedback to business Qualitative campaign Continuous research and insight creation
Methodology Redesign the survey content in partnership with client Refine the universe Agree sample sizes across size, geography and product Agree approach to key clients Select clients as per sample and distribute across quarters Conduct quarterly on-line surveys with selected sample Conduct product / qualitative face-to-face interviews once or twice per annum Feedback to business and clients at portfolio level Access to offsite website for on-line results (and history) Employee service delivery perception survey with representative sample Aggregation of quarterly campaign results at year-end (during 4 th quarter)
Client Responsibilities Clear specification of the nature of quantitative and qualitative data required as output Provision of an accurate database of contact details Positioning of survey with participants Scheduling internal project meetings Feedback on results to clients
Benefits of the Approach Longer intervals (between 1 and 1½ years) reduce face-to-face interview fatigue Broader coverage of the total universe – aim for coverage of total universe Real-time access to data to enable speedy responses to client satisfaction issues raised by clients Provide appropriate level of feedback to enable management reinforcement of and recognition for corrective actions taken by operational areas Significantly reduced possibility of annual events influencing results inappropriately
Research Capability 2 Freshinc Knowledge Projects offer turnkey solutions from design to implementation Unique on-line research tools – campaign management & customised analytics Experience at company, industry, national, international level Research clients include MTN, Absa, Multichoice, Unilever, Naspers