Vision and Goal Vision Option -1 = 6 Option-2=4 Goal Vision -1= 10
Key theme 3: Quality of care is essential Main text : Actions Paragraph (Line one ) Line 2 Action :1 (OK) Action : 2 Suggestions to be included Skilled birth care Quality and timeliness of care Accreditation of training institutes and Licensing of HCP
Key theme 3: Quality of care is essential 2 nd Bullet Action Action :3 Action : 4 Action : 5 Action : 6 (N) Action : 7 (N) Action :8 (N) To be changed or added and Mother Developing quality standard for performance based evaluation. Indicators for quality “effective coverage of interventions need to be developed and included in HIMS at appropriate level of data collection To add “To enhance motivation and their performance “ Measuring and ensuring client satisfaction through exit interview and surveys Development of charter of Rights for provider and clients / patients Assessment of skilled mixed of providers against different level of health care provision
Theme 4 : Achieve equity and universal coverage Paragraph Action: 1 (New) Action :2 Action :3 Work force analysis for specialist mandatory for CEmONC Structured HR strategy with skilled mixed workforce planning with appropriate retention and deployment policy Add PPP as strategy to fill HR gap; incentive package for hard to reach area OK
Action : 4 Action : 5 Action:6 (OK) Action :7 (New) Action :8 (New) Especially for the poor eg: through Health insurance scheme Transport scheme Ensure essential drugs at low or no cost to the families Strengthening role of Government for ensuring quality in private sector, including sharing information, continuous quality monitoring, and quality services at affordable cost
Is the Key Theme clear and Appropriate?
Key theme 3: Quality of care is essential