EXERCISE SMART objectives – specific, measurable, achievable, results oriented, time frame Who/whatChange/desired effectIn whatBy when
Outcomes, Indicators, Data OutcomesIndicatorsData collection SourcesMethodsSampleTiming Linkages and relationship, alignment, what is important, reducing administrative burden Evidence based practice
How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anyone better off? # Clients/customers served # Activities (by type of activity) % Common measures e.g. client/staff ratio, unit cost, clients from a target group, staff turnover, staff morale, staff fully trained, worker safety, client satisfaction (were they treated well), wait time, wait lists/turnaways, meeting specific industry standards % Skills / Knowledge (e.g. parenting skills) # % Attitude / Opinion (e.g. toward drugs) # % Behaviour (eg drug and alcohol use) # % Circumstance (e.g. working, in stable housing) # % Activity-specific measures e.g. timely, clients completing activity, correct and complete processes, meeting standards Source: Mark Friedman 2005 EFFECT EFFORT QUANTITYQUALITY