Folding Geometric Shapes
Nets A net is a two-dimensional figure that, when folded, forms a three-dimensional figure.
Identical Nets Two nets are identical if they are congruent; that is, they are the same if you can rotate or flip one of them and it looks just like the other.
Nets for a Cube A net for a cube can be drawn by tracing faces of a cube as it is rolled forward, backward, and sideways. Using centimeter grid paper (downloadable), draw all possible nets for a cube.
Nets for a Cube There are a total of 11 distinct (different) nets for a cube.
Nets for a Cube Cut out a copy of the net below from centimeter grid paper ( Write the letters M,A,T,H,I, and E on the net so that when you fold it, you can read the words MATH around its side in one direction and TIME around its side in the other direction. You will be able to orient all of the letters except one to be right-side up.
Nets for a Rectangular Prism One net for the yellow rectangular prism is illustrated below. Roll a rectangular prism on a piece of paper or on centimeter grid paper and trace to create another net.
Another Possible Solution Are there others?
Nets for a Regular Pyramid Regular pyramid Tetrahedron - All faces are triangles Find the third net for a regular pyramid (tetrahedron) Hint – Pattern block trapezoid and triangle
Nets for a Square Pyramid Square pyramid Pentahedron - Base is a square and faces are triangles
Nets for a Square Pyramid Which of the following are nets of a square pyramid? Are these nets distinct? Are there other distinct nets? (No)
Great Pyramid at Giza Construct a scale model from net to geometric solid (downloadable*) Materials per student: 8.5” by 11” sheet of paper Scissors Ruler (inches) Black, red, and blue markers Tape * id2.html
Great Pyramid at Giza Directions Fold one corner of the paper to the opposite side. Cut off the extra rectangle. The result is an 8½" square sheet of paper. Fold the paper in half and in half again. Open the paper and mark the midpoint of each side. Draw a line connecting opposite midpoints. 4 ¼” 8 ½”
More Great Pyramid Directions Measure 3¼ inches out from the center on each of the four lines. Draw a red line from each corner of the paper to each point you just marked. Cut along these red lines to see what to throw away. Draw the blue lines as shown
Great Pyramid at Giza Scale Model Print your name along the based of one of the sides of the pyramid. Fold along the lines and tape edges together.
Creating Nets from Shapes In small groups students create nets for triangular (regular) pyramids ( es/ _M1MUTM18.pdf), square pyramids, rectangular prisms, cylinders, cones, and triangular prisms. Materials needed – Geometric solids, paper (plain or centimeter grid), tape or glue Questions for students: How many vertices does your net need? How many edges does your net need? How many faces does your net need? Is more than one net possible?
GPS Addressed M6M4 Find the surface area of cylinders using manipulatives and constructing nets Compute the surface area of cylinders using formulae Solve application problems involving surface area of cylinders M6A2 Use manipulatives or draw pictures to solve problems involving proportional relationships M6G2 Compare and contrast right prisms and pyramids Compare and contrast cylinders and cones Construct nets for prisms, cylinders, pyramids, and cones M6P3 Organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely
Websites for Additional Exploration Equivalent Nets for Rectangular Prisms 7_geometry.pdf 7_geometry.pdf Nets ls/6.html ls/6.html ESOL On-Line Foil Fun nstream/classroom/units/foil_fun/home_e.php