Hey :) Hi I’m Natalia but most of my friends call me Nat. :) Yup that’s me. :D Kindly ignore the fact that I look weird ^_^ Natalia Nadila (Head Councillor Candidate)
More about myself. I like: -folding paper stars ★ -ice-skating :D -playing the piano ♪ ♫ -Baby Winnie :D -Elmooooooooooooooo! :D ❤ Natalia Nadila (Head Councillor Candidate)
How I’d like to help all of you :D Come to me if you have any problems :D Consider all your suggestions and recommend the good and productive ones to teachers (In other words, let you have a say in things :D ) Help you dream big and together we’ll try to make it a reality :D Natalia Nadila (Head Councillor Candidate)
Me and my Amazing DI team :D With my host sisters when I went to Japan :D