Nuclear Physics Type talks 1) Adriana Gagyi-Palffy 2) Ken Ledingham 3) Fred Hartmann 4) Silvia Cipiccia 5) Chris Murphy
Quantum Control of Nuclei with Coherent x- ray light Adriana Palffy
Doppler shift 0 keV 50.1 keV 223 Ra 3/2 - 3/2 + bridge the gap between nuclear excitation and photon energies... T. Bürvenich, J. Evers and C. H. Keitel, PRL 96, (2006) Nuclear excitations and the XFEL XFEL
What about the Petawatt laser? Create the dense plasma for NEEC/NEET? NEEC: to compare advantages of a dedicated electron target! Help have an ion accelerator and XFEL at the same spot? Will ELI provide ion acceleration and coherent x-rays or gamma-rays? If yes, good enough for nuclear applications? NIF? Plenty of electrons, photons, neutrons. Can we model/analyze what is going on? PW laser
Nuclear quantum optics applications for XFEL light Coherent control of nuclei in a three-level system triggering level isomer ground state Conclusions Combination of nuclear excitations in plasmas: trade-off between control and efficiency? Driving of nuclear transitions via electrons or photons NEEC NEET Isomer depletion – nuclear batteries? STIRAP with nuclei
Cartoon of NEET/NEEC Kritcher et al LLNL
The theory is now sufficiently well understood that competing nuclear excitation by scattered electrons and direct photons can easily be calculated leaving NEET/NEEC experimental comparisons with theory meaningful
Sylvia talked about about electron acceleration up to about GeV in Wakefield acceleration and when coupled to either undulators or Betatron Emission mode promised monochromatic photons up to MeV levels
Peak brilliance of light sources with star of GRLS at 1MeV 15 orders of magnitude greater than all synchrotrons and FELS
Strathclyde/Jena Laser Wakefield Radiation Source ( Nature Physics, 2007) ~70 MeV electron bunch generates optical photons
Toward LWFA driven FEL: undulator VUV radiation measurements at Strathclyde Compact radiation sources based on laser-plasma wakefield accelerators Betatron radiation: a promising compact tuneable x- gamma- ray femtosecond source The Scottish Centre for the Application of Plasma Based Accelerators. SCAPA TW laser for applications: nuclear physics, health sciences, plasma physics
Overview of High Brightness Gamma-Ray Light Source – Nuclear Photonics –Nuclear Fluorescence Resonance Fred Hartemann
GRLS) Gamma ray resonant fluorescence Mainland security Nuclear waste reclassification
Storing radioactive waste at power stations There are hundreds of thousands of such barrels world wide with very little knowledge of the contents. GRLSs would enable certifiable classification of the waste contents
Depository of hundreds of drums of radioactive waste
Antimatter creation (Positrons) using Intense lasers Via Bethe Heitler Process Z+e - =Z+2e - + e + Trident Process Z+γ = Z+e - + e + Using different thicknesses of targets
Although laser created positrons have been seen before Chris indicated that programs on VULCAN and Gemini had not been successful. However what had been learned could eventually lead to successful results in the future with the counter-propogating beams in vacuum leading to creation of antimatter