By: Victor Meza, Hunter Turner, Taekyu Lee
Began on the Italian Peninsula at the 8 th century B.C. Located along the Mediterranean Sea A lot of different landscapes such as mountain ranges and the sea
There are stone buildings for shelter They enjoyed fish sauce and alcoholic drinks They used silk and cotton for clothing
A relative of a person might be higher or lower than the person. Separated by wealth,citizenship and cenus rank. Slaves were considered as a property.
They made wheels out of stone and wood. They used them for carrying items on long journeys. They used mills powered by water. They used water clocks.
They grew wheat, barley, olives, grapes, apples, onions, and celery. They traded the things that they grew. They paid taxes to the government. Farming was the most common economy.
Monarch passed to annually elect magistrates called consuls. In times of crisis, Romans would appoint a dictator. After, they were ruled by emperors.
The Romans had shrines in their homes that they would pray to. The king and queen of the roman people were Jupiter and Juno. Jupiter is the great god of the sky. Juno is the patron goddess of woman. When a house hold member died, family members carried the body out feet first to make sure that it’s ghost did not run back inside.
The Romans spoke Latin and Greek to communicate to each other. Smoke signals were used to communicate to others when in an emergency. Coins and statues were used for communication.
Coliseum: The Coliseum is located in the east of Roman Forum. It is a huge amphitheater that is where the gladiators play. Aqueduct: This is a structure that brings water from distant places into cities and towns. Roman Pantheon: The roman pantheon is a building in Rome commissioned by Marcus Agrippa.
In the city there is a place called the Campus. People went there to run, jump, box, wrestle and to just have some fun. The Roman people played a game called Egyptian Backgammon. In the coliseum people used to fight against each other, wild animals, and slaves. Those people are called gladiators.
_class_ in_ancient_Rome ans_use ans_use The Ancient Roman World Authors: Ronald Mellor and Marni McGee Publisher: Oxford University Press
Ancient Rome Author: Mike Corbishy Publisher: Chelsa House Publishers