San Miguel Cassidy Jeffery
Table of Contents When and where Mission was built Mission Site Indians Joining this Mission BibliographyBack to main menu Population Significant Events Agriculture and Livestock Mission Layout and Bell Tower Father Serra and Founder of Mission What I Liked Best Current Use of Mission
When Mission was Built (Founded) Mission San Miguel was founded on July 25, 1797 by Fray Lasusen. They found that there was to big of a gap between San Luis Obispo and San Antonio so they built San Miguel in the middle.
Mission Site San Miguel is located halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles in the town that developed around the mission the site. It was called Valica by the Saliman and Paraje de los Pozos by the Spanish.
Father Junipero Serra Father Junipero Serra was born of Majorca, part of the kingdom of Spain, on the 24 th of November, Junipero was 36 years of the age when he determend to become a missionary in the New World.
Founder of Mission The founder of San Miguel was Fr. Fermin Francisco de Lasuen. He received tire Francisan habit at the Con Vento de San Francisco, Victoria March 19, 1751 from Fray Jose Ramirez, the grardian. He pronounced his vows on July 7, He had been recruited under Pedro Perezde Mezquia, the commisary.
Mission Layout and Bell Tower
Agriculture and Livestock 1832 San Miguel produced 92,000 bushes of wheat, barley, corn, beans, and peas. There was a large orchard to the east of the mission quadrangle where many types of fruit grown. San Miguel had a sizeable livestock herd, which averaged 22,000 head between 1811 and In the peak year 1821 the mission had over 24,000 animals including 9,000 cattle and 13,500 sheep.
Indians Joining this Mission San Miguel was the second mission founded in the land of the Salinan people. The neophytes at this mission were returned to as Miguelenos. Before the Spanish colonized Alta California, about 300,000 California lived there. They lived in many different tribes, and many of the tribes spoke different languages.
Population San Miguel’s highest record was 1,076 in There were still 658 neophytes at San Miguel in The last year for which there are records.
Significant Events A severe earthquake on December 22, 2003 caused extensive damage to the mission. It is considered one of the eleven most endangered places by the National trust for Historic Preservation. After an extensive restoration the church was reopened in September, 2009 and masses are now being held there. Further work is required to fully restore all the art and artifacts and the entire complex. The worn adobe walk ancient gateways, and simple adobe structures of the mission complex make this one of the most authentic looking missions in the chain.
Current Use of the Mission The mission remains in as a parish church of the Diocese of Monterey. After being closed to the public for six years due to the 2003 San Simion earthquake, the church reopened on September 29, Inside the church are murals designed by Esteban Munras.
What I Liked Best I liked researching the agriculture and livestock and what they grew there and what animals they had. I also was looking forward to building it I want to put the decorations around it.
How to write a bibliography Webpages: Name of Author. "Title of Web Page." Date you accessed this page.. "The California Missions Trail." 2 Feb Images (pictures): “Title of Image.” Title of website. Date you accessed the picture.. "Mission San Diego de Alcala." South Coast of California. 2 Feb Books: Name of Author. Title of Book. Name of editor, translator or compiler. Location: Publisher, Year. page numbers. Griffiths, Paul. A Concise History of Avant-Garde Music: From Debussy to Boulez. New York: Oxford UP, Voelkel, James R. Johannes Kepler and the New Astronomy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.