March 2010 Co-funded by the Community programme eContentplus
Enables Digital Search System for identification of Rights status In or out of copyright In or out of print / commercialised or not Rights Which rights are involved Rightholders Authors Publishers How and where do I clear the rights Orphan Works Orphan Works Registry
Objectives Deliver a rights information infrastructure operable within and across borders Facilitate identification of rightholders (authors/publishers) Facilitate the identification of the IPR status Provide test beds for Business models for digital libraries Registries for Orphan works (OW) and Out of Print Works (OPW) Rights clearance mechanisms Model licences developed by the EC High Level Expert Group (HLG) Interoperability and criteria for interoperability
EC i2010 Digital Libraries - A summary link between HLEG and ARROW Digital Preservation Orphan Works Out-of-Print Works Online Access OP Books Business Models Diligent search guidelines Registries/databases Rights Clearance Centres Model Licence ARROW (Accessible Registries of Rights Information on Orphan Works (and Out of Print Works)) for Europeana
ARROW Contract Partners Libraries Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE) Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) British Library (BL) Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) Narodna in Univerzitetna Knijznica (NUK) National Library of Norway (NLN) University of Innsbruck (UIBK) Publishers Associations Associazione Italiana Editori (AIE) Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE) Reproduction Rights Organisation Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) International Organisations Federation of European Publishers (FEP) International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO) Technology Developers Consorzio Interuniversitario per il Calcolo Automatico dellItalia Nord Orientale (CINECA) NUMILOG ISBN Agency Marketing und Verlagsservice des Buchhandels (MVB)
ARROW Associated Partners Libraries European Digital Library (EDL) Finish National Library (FNL) Collecting Society representing Authors Authors Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) Stichting LIRA Publishers Association Syndicat National de lEdition (SNE) Publishers Licensing Society (PLS) The Swedish Publishers Association Reproduction Rights Organisations Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos (CEDRO) Centre Français dexploitation du droit de Copie (CFC) Copy-Dan Writing Information (COPYDAN) KOPINOR KOPIOSTO SAZOR
Workplan: general structure Two WPs run along the whole project 1. Project management (AIE) 2. Dissemination and Awareness (IFRRO) Five WPs run for limited periods 3. Legal framework and business models (FEP) 4. Interoperability (BNF) 5. Architecture design (MVB) 6. Set up of Rights Information Infrastructure (Cineca) 7. Validation (UIBK)
ARROW Workflow From the library request: -> Library submits a query to ARROW to a licence/information about a licence: -> RRO provides feedback to ARROW and ARROW to library Based on metadata exchange Works on step by step metadata enrichment Involves Libraries, BiPs and RROs ARROW as interoperability facilitator to access and query different systems to retrieve the relevant data to process and exchange this data with other systems to add complementary data from other systems to produce new meaningful information Information needed is stored in the systems of different organisations for their own specific purposes.
Workflow Based on Quality controlled Information sources Library interface Matching records Clustering editions VIAF 1st data collection BiP TEL TEL connector BiP connector VIAF connector Matching records 2nd data collection RRO RRO connector Matching records 3rd data collection ROW
Role of Libraries Libraries as End User Query the ARROW system to retrieve info on rights status Search ARROW Validate retrieved results and/or refine search Libraries as Metadata Provider TEL: ARROW bibliographic metadata provider for library domain VIAF: ARROW authors metadata provider National Libraries provide quality metadata to TEL authority file to VIAF
Role of TEL TEL as Metadata Provider Match library query with available records Purpose: identify the work Produce enriched record for the work Retrieve records of other manifestations of the same work Cluster the retrieved manifestation records in a work record
Role of BIPs BIPs as Metadata Provider Provide data about in print/out of print status Provide data about publishers Add new books/manifestations records of the work BIPs as End user Receive work level information &clustered manifestations Register International Standard Text Code (ISTC)
Role of RROs RROs as Metadata Provider Provide data about authors and publishers Provide data about available licenses RROs as End user Check Orphan Works Registry on behalf of rightholders Issue licences, according to national framework RROs as Orphan Works Registry Manager Validate declarations and requests
Project Cycle Phase I (12 months September September 2009) Legal framework & Business Models Interoperability Design of system architecture Set up of right information infrastructure Creation of Registry of Orphan Works Network of clearing mechanisms Assessment & Validation Definition of methodology and preparation of tools Testing of the system mechanisms Phase II (12 months September 2009 – September 2010) Phase III (12 months February 2010 – February 2011)
Phases and milestones Milestones 1. 4 September 2008: Start up; First Management Board meeting November 2008: First General Assembly 3. Aug 2009: all the preliminary deliverables are issued 4. March 2010: start up piloting of the system 5. Dec 2010: all the elements are fully validated 6. Feb 2011: the final release of the ARROW system
Co-funded by the Community programme eContentplus FURTHER INFORMATION PIERO ATTANASIO AIE Corso di Porta Romana Milano Italy Tel +39 (02) Fax +39 (02)