EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI Using GLUE 2.0 in Practice with EMI Registry (EMIR) Shiraz Memon, Jülich Supercomputing Center OGF 34, Oxford,
EMI INFSO-RI Introduction GLUE 2.0 JSON Rendering Querying in EMIR – XML Documents Agenda OGF 34, OXford, 20122
EMI INFSO-RI Cross Middleware Service Discovery Common Access Point: Unifying service registrations and discovery Uses GLUE 2.0 EMIR: A Unified Service Registry OGF 34, OXford, 20123
EMI INFSO-RI Service General Information Meta-data (Last-update, Publisher/Owner, Lifetime) Endpoint Access Information Location Physical Location Geo-Coordinates Contact Additional Attributes (can be added on the fly) TTL for every Service Entry GLUE 2.0 Attributes OGF 34, OXford, 20124
EMI INFSO-RI Used for service registration Viewing Collections JSON Rendering OGF 34, OXford, [ { "Service_Name": “EMI Execution Service", "Service_CreationTime": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Type": “eu.emi.es", "Service_Capability": [“activity submission", “activity creation"], "Service_QualityLevel": "production", "Service_Endpoint_URL": " "Service_Endpoint_Technology": “SOAP over HTTP", "Service_Endpoint_InterfaceName": “ActivityManagement", "Service_Endpoint_InterfaceVersion": ["1.0“ ], "Service_Endpoint_WSDL": " ?wsdl", "Service_Endpoint_HealthState": "ok", "Service_Endpoint_HealthStateInfo": “it is OK, I can see it", "Service_Endpoint_ServingState": "production", "Service_Endpoint_StartTime": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeAnnounce": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeStart": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeEnd": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_QualityLevel": "production", "Service_ExpireOn": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_UpdateOn": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_OwnerDN": “CN=Shiraz Memon,O=FZJ,OU=JSC” } ]
EMI INFSO-RI Request as Resource URI – GET - /services?Service_Type=emi&Service_Location_Country=Germany Request with POST-ing the json query document (for rich querying) Media-Type – application/xml OR application/json Querying the EMIR OGF 34, OXford, POST - /services
EMI INFSO-RI JSON Document OGF 34, OXford, [ { "Service_Name": “EMI Execution Service", "Service_CreationTime": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Type": “eu.emi.es", "Service_Capability": [“activity submission", “activity creation"], "Service_QualityLevel": "production", "Service_Endpoint_URL": " "Service_Endpoint_Technology": “SOAP over HTTP", "Service_Endpoint_InterfaceName": “ActivityManagement", "Service_Endpoint_InterfaceVersion": ["1.0“ ], "Service_Endpoint_WSDL": " ?wsdl", "Service_Endpoint_HealthState": "ok", "Service_Endpoint_HealthStateInfo": “it is OK, I can see it", "Service_Endpoint_ServingState": "production", "Service_Endpoint_StartTime": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeAnnounce": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeStart": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_DowntimeEnd": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_Endpoint_QualityLevel": "production", "Service_ExpireOn": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_UpdateOn": {"$date": " T11:47:24Z"}, "Service_OwnerDN": “CN=Shiraz Memon,O=FZJ,OU=JSC” } ]
EMI INFSO-RI XML Documents 1/ OGF 34, OXford, ComputingService job-management production A Street 1 Germany sysadmin developer
EMI INFSO-RI XML Documents 2/ OGF 34, OXford, ComputingService Activity Management Activity Submission technology 1.0 ok Its OK production T13:47: :00
EMI INFSO-RI Questions OGF 34, OXford,