Lithuanian Innovation Policy EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region – Incentive for Innovative Entrepreneurship 21 September 2011, Riga Tadas Tumėnas Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania Innovation and Knowledge Society Department Innovation Policy Division
Lithuanian Innovation Strategy for 2010–2020 Strategic objective – build a creative society, create the conditions for the development of the entrepreneurship and innovation Accelerate Lithuania’s integration into the global market (Lithuania without borders) Build a creative and innovative society Develop broad-based innovation Build a systemic approach to innovation
Foundation of Innovative Economy Traditional Innovative Industry - Engineering - Chemicals and plastics - Food - Wood-furniture and textile The Potential of Innovative Economics - Biotechnology - Lasers and light technologies - ICT - Optoelectronics A Vision for the Future - Future energetic - Clean tech - Creative industry - Well-being and healthcare High value-added services
Science, Innovation and Technology Agency Innovation Development Support for enterprises’ innovative projects Integrated business, science and study centers (valleys’) programmes Cluster formation and development Financing of joint business and science projects... Research Application and commercialization of research results Consulting business on issues regarding applied research, innovation and technology...
Integrated business, science and study centers (valleys) LTL 2 bn has been earmarked for 2007–2013 Open access centres R&D Infrastructure Technology transfer centres and business incubators
Idea LT – support for SMEs to prepare R&D feasibility studies Intellect LT – support for enterprises implementing R&D projects. Projects can be implemented together with science or business partners Intellect LT + – support for enterprises investing into the development and enhancement of the basis for R&D InnoCluster LT – maintenance of activities of cluster (enterprise‘s cluster) coordinator‘s activities InnoCluster LT+ – installation of R&D and coaching infrastructure to enhance cooperation among companies in different sectors of economy, strengthening their international competitiveness (enterprise‘s cluster) Innogeb LT-1, Innogeb LT-2 – support for the activities of the innovation support service providers and related infrastructure (innovation and technology centres, science and technology parks, technological incubators) Measures of priority 1 “Research and development for competitiveness and growth of the economy” for 2007–2013 EU SF for R&D&I
Leader LT – support for enterprises investing into new production technology in order to enhance labour productivity E–business LT – support for SMEs investing into installation of ICT solutions in order to enhance labour productivity Process LT – support for SMEs employing modern management methods and systems in order to enhance labour productivity New opportunities – support for enterprise‘s export marketing and participation in exhibitions Invest LT+ – support used to attract foreign investors to invest in manufacturing, service and R&D sectors Invest LT – this measure is aimed to develop and/or expand the infrastructure of the industrial parks (including 2 free economic zones – (FEZ)) and thus create the conditions to attract FDI Assistant–1 – support for business start-up, its growth, job creation and etc. Assistant–2 – support made available for investment in building construction, reconstruction and equipment of art incubators Assistant–3 – support for public services for businesses Measures of priority 2 “Increasing business productivity and improving environment for business ” for 2007–2013 EU SF for Business
Financial support for SMEs in order to encourage co-operation between business and research institutions (finance of R&D services) In 2010 – 282 thou. Euro for 86 SMEs In 2011 – 288 thou. Euro for 85 SMEs Value of voucher: Lt (2 900 Euro) – with no requirement for its own contribution Lt (5 800 Euro) – an SME is required to contribute ¼ of this amount from its own resources Intellectual Property Rights Innovation Voucher 3 ways of support: 1. prepayment 2. payment on accounts 3. reimbursement 3 ways of support: 1. prepayment 2. payment on accounts 3. reimbursement Rate of support: 95 % for Science and Research Institutes 95 % for Science and Research Institutes in cooperation with Enterprises 50 % for Enterprises Financial support for Science and Research Institutes and Enterprises to secure their IPR – covering up to 95 % of eligible costs for European Patent or Patent granted following PCT application procedures and Community design or International Design registration under the Hague System
Tax Incentives for Investment Tax relief to the Law on Corporate Income Tax Encourage companies to invest in R&D through financial incentives Expenditures for R&D reduce taxable income 3 times Amortization process is reduced to 2 year period Tax Relief for Investments into New Technologies Assessable profit for the enterprises could be reduced up to 50 % of expenditures incurred by investing into equipment, means of communication, computers, etc.
BSR Stars – Programme for the Development of Innovation, Clusters and SMEs Networks BSR Stars on the scale of the Baltic Sea Region will contribute to the overall exploitation of the research and innovation potential in the macro- region, while on business level will facilitate the creation and development of innovative knowledge products and services able to compete on global markets 10 countries – Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Germany – are actively involved in the implementation of BSR Stars To establish the BSR as functional region recognized by global actors as the best innovation space hosting and deploying world class expertise and strategic alliances in selected fields by using the Grand Challenges approach as its main logic The BSR region is 2020 recognized as the most agile macro region in the world in capabilities that require multi disciplinary research and education, innovative and mobile talent as well as attractive business environments for companies, capital and policy learning
StarDust – an important step on the path of the “BSR Stars” programme vital step on the BSR STARS platform and pilot phase (EU BSR programme) gives the foundation and necessary basis for the implementation of a full scale BSR STARS Programme core of StarDust consists of 5 pilots operating in the fields of: clean-tech and future energy, wellbeing and health, future transport, digital business and services (“Clean Water”, “Active for Life”, “MarChain”, “Mobile Vikings”, “Comfort in Living”) Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument)