Site Plans and Drawing Techniques – Supplementary views By; Steven and Darian :3
Draw and dimension site and plot plans IT IS NOT ONLY THE HOUSE BUT IT THE PROPERTY!!! Add a street that the site/plot plan is nearest to. Hatch the house and concrete differently Have the house be outlined with object lines and property lines have Dashed lines Draw trees, bushes, or any wilderness or object on the property. Set the site plan to scale (Engineer Scale) Create legend. Print on paper space NOT MODEL SPACE.
Interpret landscape plans Same as site plans, but focuses more on elevations, hills, bushes, etc. An activity concerned with reconciling competing land uses while protecting natural processes and significant cultural and natural resources. Also shows what will be changed on the landscape.
Interpret contours and topographical profiles Contours, Shows the different sizes of elevations on the site. A topographic profile is a cross sectional view along a line drawn through a portion of a topographic map. In other words, if you could slice through a portion of the earth, pull away one half, and look at it from the side, the surface would be a topographic profile. Not only does constructing a topographic profile aid in understanding topographic maps, it is very useful for geologists when analyzing numerous problems.
Identify setbacks The distance by which a building or part of a building is set back from the property line. A building or other structure is set back from a street or road, a river or other stream, a shore or flood plain, or any other place which is deemed to need protection.
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isometric Presentation Oblique drawing of which the frontal lines are given in true proportions and relations and all others at suitable angles other than 90 degrees without regard to the rules of linear perspective. Graphic representations produced to convey to a client or general audience the effect of the completed appearance and function of a project for a building, object, structure, or site. Usually comprise elevations and plans. A pictorial representation of an object in which all three dimensions are drawn at full scale rather than foreshortening them to the true projection
Demonstrate knowledge of schematic drawings A schematic, or schematic diagram, is a representation of the elements of a system using abstract, graphic symbols rather than realistic pictures. A schematic usually omits all details that are not relevant to the information the schematic is intended to convey, and may add unrealistic elements that aid comprehension.
Demonstrate knowledge of orthographic drawings Projection of a single view of an object (as a view of the front) onto a drawing surface in which the lines of projection are perpendicular to the drawing surface