Webinar 1: Overview
1. Overview Link to SLD Rule Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Systems of Assessment 2. Introduction to Tiers Tier 1: Core Instruction Tier 2: Targeted Group Intervention Tier 3: Intensive and Individual Intervention Special Education 3.Four purposes of Assessment Screening Diagnostic/Instructional Decisions Progress Monitoring Determine Eligibility
Specific Learning Disabilities Eligibility Criteria Options In Handouts or can be found on page 1-8 of the SLD Manual
Link to SLD Rule Understanding Scientific Research Based Interventions (SRBI) and Systems of Assessments can help us to answer the questions: How do we verify that a student “Does not learn at an adequate rate?” Has been “provided with the usual developmental opportunities and instruction from a regular school environment?” Has had “appropriate instruction in reading or math?” Mn Rule
Link to SLD Rule: Criteria D Understanding SRBI and Systems of Assessments can help us to answer questions relating to SLD eligibility: When are we ready to use ABD criteria to determine eligibility for SLD? How to understand ABD eligibility determination on students moving into your district with this determination in place? MN Rule , Subpart 2 (1) the child does not make adequate progress to meet age or state-approved grade-level standards in one or more of the areas listed above when using a process based on the child’s response to scientific, research-based intervention (SRBI);
The Terminology We Use Is Evolving Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Minnesota Statute 120B.1 Reading Well by Grade 3 Systems of Scientific Research-Based Intervention (SRBI)
Because... We Have Multiple Initiatives with Tiers of Supports All Some Few BehavioralPhysical Social- Emotional Academics
Remember: A Student may not be just one “color” or level! Math Fact Retrieval Emotional Regulation Phonemic Awareness Vocabulary Listening comprehension Adapted from Sugai 2009 Concepts
Multi-Tiered System of Supports Range of literacy practices implemented within a building Range of literacy skills held by all students within a building
Range of Evidence- Based Practices A Multi-tiered System of Supports Range of literacy skills held by all students within a building System of Assessment Indicates Needs Staff’s Capacity to Address Group Needs System of Assessment Indicates Needs
Assessments: – Screening – Evaluating effectiveness of core instruction Research-based/Evidence-based Instructional Practices Matching student needs with research- based instructional practices
Assessment Monitoring Progress Making data-based instructional decisions Instructional Practices Re-analyzing the learning problem Secondary prevention (small group)
Reconsider the Learning Problem in Context Tertiary Prevention (Individualized) Suspecting a Disability/Comprehensive Evaluation
Critical Features of a Multi-Tiered System : System of Assessments Screening Diagnostic (Instructional Decisions) Monitoring Progress Determining Eligibility
Purposes of Assessment Data: Targeting Students Indicate effectiveness of instruction – Disaggregated into subgroups – Across levels of supports Accurately identify students at-risk – Predict future performance – Conducted 3 times per year Screening Diagnostic Assessments (Instructional Decisions) Monitoring Progress Determining Eligibility
Purposes of Assessment Data: Matching Needs Match intervention to student need Identify effective instruction and build staff capacity Screening Diagnostic Assessments (Instructional Decisions) Monitoring Progress Determining Eligibility
Purposes of Assessment Data: Matching Needs Types: Informal diagnostics Formative Assessments Summative Assessments Curriculum Based Measures (CBM) Screening Diagnostic Assessments (Instructional Decisions) Monitoring Progress Determining Eligibility
Purposes of Assessment Data: Monitoring Progress Evaluate instructional effectiveness Make the next right instructional step Screening Diagnostic Assessments (Instructional Decisions) Monitoring Progress Determining Eligibility
Purposes of Assessment Data: Determining Eligibility No disability Eligible for 504 Eligible for Special Education Screening Instructional Decision Monitoring Progress Determining Eligibility A comprehensive evaluation may have 3 possible outcomes.
Assessment Data Used Properly Increases Student Achievement Job #1 = progress towards grade level content standards... Eligibility Determination