Ashlyn Chamberlin Mrs. Ash’s Class In reading, Ashlyn has been working hard to use her strategies! She shows respect to her classmates and helps others. Student Spotlight Eli Chapple Mrs. Ash’s Class Eli has been working hard to do his best in all subjects! He shows pride in and out of the classroom. Student Spotlight
Jazmin Santos- Fernandez Mrs. Chamberlin’s Class Jazmin always follows classroom and school rules. She works well in groups and is a responsible student. Student Spotlight Kyler McKeever Mrs. Chamberlin’s Class Kyler McKeever is a responsible student who is also very respectful. He participates well in class and works well with other students.
Jose Cruz-Diaz Mrs. Little’s Class Jose is a hard working member of Mrs. Little's class. He has especially made improvements with his reading comprehension and fluency. Jose sets a great example of citizenship for others. Student Spotlight Hannah Coleman Mrs. Little’s Class Hannah is class representative for SCA. She completes her class work and homework with a cheery and pleasant demeanor. Hannah demonstrates respect and responsibility in all areas of the building. Student Spotlight
Mikey Biven Mrs. Pinckney’s Class Mikey has been working very hard in school. He is making great strides in Reading and giving his best effort. He has been demonstrating great respect and responsibility in the last few weeks. Student Spotlight J.D. Nett Mrs. Pinckney’s Class J.D. has a great personality and brings excellent discussions to the group. He is a hard worker and thorough thinker. He is a friend to all he encounters. He is a good citizen. Student Spotlight
Jameson Malo Mrs. Fortune’s Class Jameson is responsible. He always has his homework. He doesn't call. He is kind to his teachers and classmates. Student Spotlight Jennifer Jimenez Saenz Mrs. Fortune’s Class Jennifer is very helpful to her teachers and classmates. She is especially kind and considerate during recess time including everyone. She has been working extremely hard to improve her reading. Student Spotlight
Emma Sherman Mrs. Sanford’s Class Emma is respectful and responsible. She works diligently to complete assigned tasks. She greets the class each morning with such a beautiful smile and assists in any way that she can. Student Spotlight Conner Daniel Mrs. Sanford’s Class Conner has great respect for the learning environment. He is always willing to share during class discussions. He goes beyond expectations to ensure that he is successful. Student Spotlight
Ella Nassauer Mrs. McKimmey/Fulton’s Class Ella has been working hard on staying organized and her class participation is outstanding! Student Spotlight Tatiana Monjares Mrs. McKimmey/Fulton’s Class Tatiana consistently gives her best efforts and comes ready to learn with a smile every day. Student Spotlight
Alexander Gorodchanin Mrs. Polk’s Class Alexander exemplifies a positive attitude Student Spotlight Ravin Johnson Mrs. Polk’s Class Ravin is making positive changes and better choices in school Student Spotlight
Marcel Jeantel Mr. Bower’s Class Marcel has worked hard in math and is one of my most improved math students this year. Student Spotlight Jared Brossman Mr. Bower’s Class Jared is an exceptionally hard worker who digs into and takes on academic challenges. He is always looking to better refine his products. Student Spotlight
Sarah Fitzgerald Mrs. Wenner’s Class Sarah puts forth a great deal of effort on every assignment. Student Spotlight Briana Guerrero Mrs. Wenner’s Class Briana always tries her best and is a good citizen. Student Spotlight