1 Methods and Protocols for Secure Key Negotiation Using IKE Author : Michael S. Borella, 3Com Corp.
2 Outline What is IKE Introduction of Diffie-Hellman How IKE do the secure Key negotiation Conclusion
3 What is IKE Internet Key Exchange Default IPSec method for secure key negotiation Based-on Diffie-Hellman Allow two entities to derive session key with authentication
4 Diffie-Hellman introduction A 選擇 X,g,nB 選擇 Y g,n, g X mod n B 計算 (g X ) Y mod nA 計算 (g Y ) X mod n g Y mod n Shared secret key : g XY mod n
5 Diffie-Hellman introduction(cont.) A 選擇 X,g,nB 選擇 Y g, n, g X mod n B 計算 (g Z ) Y mod nA 計算 (g Z ) X mod n g Z mod n C 選擇 Z g, n, g Z mod n g Y mod n Man-in-the-middle-attack
6 How IKE do the secure Key negotiation Diffie-Hellman disadvantages –Man-in-the-middle attack –Denial of Service IKE can solve these problem!! How?? Solving man-in-the-middle attack –authentication Solving Denial of Service attack –cookie
7 How IKE do the secure Key negotiation(cont.) Cookie – How to solve DoS attack?? CICI CRCR 產生 C I 產生 C R 選擇 g,p 產生 x C I, C R, g x mod p 產生 y C I, C R, g y mod p
8 How IKE do the secure Key negotiation(cont.) Cookie If either the initiator or the responder receives a cookie pair from an IP address not associated with that cookie pair, the message will be discarded Uniquely identifying a particular key exchange among several may take place between two hosts
9 How IKE do the secure Key negotiation(cont.) IKE phase1 –Creates an IKE SA –Establish a secure channel so that that phase2 negotiation can occur privately IKE phase2 –Establishing IPSec SA(ESP,AH) to protect non-IKE sessions
10 How IKE do the secure Key negotiation(cont.)
11 IKE phase1 detailed Phase 1 –Main Mode Identity protection –Aggressive Mode Reduce round trips –Authentication with Pre-shared key Signatures Public Key Encryption Revised Public Key Encryption
12 IKE phase1 detailed(cont.) Negotiation Generate C I (1)C I, ISA I Generate C R (2)C I, C R, ISA R : (1)Proposal:ENC = DES or 3DES, AUTH = MD5 Proposal:ENC = 3DES, AUTH = MD5 (2)Proposal:ENC = 3DES, AUTH = MD5
13 IKE phase1 detailed(cont.) SKEYID_d = prf(SKEYID, g^xy | CKY-I | CKY-R | 0) SKEYID_a = prf(SKEYID, SKEYID_d | g^xy | CKY-I | CKY-R | 1) SKEYID_e = prf(SKEYID, SKEYID_a | g^xy | CKY-I | CKY-R | 2)
14 IKE phase1 detailed(cont.) Pre-shared key ; Main mode Initiator Responder C I,ISA I --> <-- *C I,C R, ID R,HASH R
15 IKE phase1 detailed(cont.) Pre-shared key ; Aggressive mode Initiator Responder C I,ISA I,g x, N I, ID I --> SKEYID = prf(PSKEY, N I | N R ) HASH I = prf(SKEYID,g x | g y | C I | C R | ISA I | ID I ) HASH R = prf(SKEYID, g x | g y | C R | C I | ISA I | ID I )
16 IKE phase1 detailed(cont.) Signatures ; Main mode Initiator Responder C I, ISA I --> <-- *C I,C R,ID R,SIG R
17 IKE phase1 detailed(cont.) Signatures ; Aggressive mode Initiator Responder C I,ISA I,g x,N I,ID I --> SKEYID = prf(NI | NR,g xy ) SIG I = PRVKEY I (HASH I ) SIG R = PRVKEY R (HASH R )
18 IKE phase1 detailed(cont.) public key ; Main mode Initiator Responder C I,ISA I --> C I,C R,g y,PUBKEY I (ID R ), <-- *C I,C R,HASH R
19 IKE phase1 detailed(cont.) public key ; Aggressive mode Initiator Responder C I,ISA I,g x PUBKEY R (ID I PUBKEY R (N I ) --> C I,C R,ISA R,g y, PUBKEY I (ID R ), SKEYID = prf(hash(N I | N R ), C I | C R )
20 IKE phase2 detailed Quick Mode Initiator Responder *CI,CR,HASH(1),SA I, N I, [, g x ] [, ID I, ID R ] --> <-- *C I,C R,HASH(2),SA R, N R, [, g y ] [, ID I,ID R ] *C I,C R,HASH(3) -->
21 IKE phase2 detailed(cont.) With PFS HASH(1) = prf(SKEYID_a, M-ID | SA I | N I ) HASH(2) = prf(SKEYID_a, M-ID | SA R | NI|NR) HASH(3) = prf(SKEYID_a, 0 | M-ID | N I | N R ) NEWKEY = prf(SKEYID_d, g xy | protocol | SPI | N I | N R ) Without PFS HASH(1) = prf(SKEYID_a, M-ID | SA I | N I | x | ID I | ID R ) HASH(2) = prf(SKEYID_a, M-ID | SA R | N I | N R | y | ID I | ID R ) HASH(3) = prf(SKEYID_a, 0 | M-ID | Ni_b | Nr_b) NEWKEY = prf(SKEYID_d, protocol | SPI | N I | N R ).
22 conclusion IKE is vary complexity Hard to evaluate it’s security and performance