Where do you fall on the Political Spectrum? 30 Questions
Scoring 30 Questions 5 = You totally agree with this statement 4 = You agree with this statement 3 = You aren’t sure where you stand. 2 = You disagree with this statement 1 = You totally disagree with this statement. Got it!
The government should provide health care for all U.S. citizens. 1.
The United States should cut part of the military budget to help reduce the deficit 2.
The U.S. should grant another amnesty to undocumented people who have been working in this country over 5 years or have served in the military 3.
All states should recognize same sex marriage. 4.
The government should create programs to help low income families. 5.
The government should increase taxes on people who make over $1 million a year 6.
The government needs to do more to regulate the financial industry to prevent another banking crisis. 7.
Students should not be required to say the pledge of allegiance in schools. 8.
Every U.S. citizen should get a free education from kindergarten through college. 9.
There should be limits to how much money is spent on political campaigns. 10.
The government should create more grant and loan programs to make college more accessible to people. 11.
Teachers should not be allowed to carry guns at school. 12.
The death penalty should be banned. 13.
The United States needs stricter gun control laws. 14.
Marijuana should be made legal for both medical and non-medical purposes. 15.
There needs to be more separation between the government and religion. 16.
The government should do more to protect the environment. 17.
Every working adult in the United States should be able to make a livable wage 18.
The U.S. government should focus more on problems within the U.S. before it gives aid to foreign countries. 19.
Abortion should be an individual choice. 20.
Our government should make sure that all citizens have their basic needs met – food, clothing, shelter. 21.
Assisted suicide for the terminally ill should be legal. 22.
The Dream Act should become a law (path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants) Must have: entered the U.S. before the age of 16, been in the U.S. for at least five (5) consecutive years, graduated from U. S. high school, or have a GED, or have been accepted into a college/university, have good moral character good moral charactergood moral character 23.
Burning the U.S. flag should be protected speech under the 1 st amendment and therefore legal. 24.
Our schools need more money to provide for student needs and to attract the best teachers. 25.
Tougher laws, more police, and more prisons are not the main answers to fighting crime in the long run. 26.
More money should be put into education since education is the main answer to decreasing crime in the long run. 27.
The U.S. should immediately withdraw all troops from Afghanistan and Iraq. 28.
The United States should end travel and trade restrictions against Cuba. 29.
The government needs to make mass transportation a higher priority. 30.
Quickly add up all your points. There are 150 possible.
Political Spectrum Score Card Ultra liberal Liberal Moderate/more likely a Democrat Moderate/ more likely a Republican Conservative – Ultra Conservative
So, are you a revolutionary?
American Political Parties Today Democrats – Larger government – Gov. services – Smaller military – Higher taxes – Gov. regulate business – Separation of church & state – Open to alt. Lifestyles – Change status quo – Gov. help everyone – “Liberals” Republicans – Small government – Min. gov. services – Large Military – Min. taxes – Total free enterprise – Religion in schools – “Traditional” values – Likes the status quo – Everyone is on your own. – “Conservatives”
Political Spectrum Today Communists Socialists Democrats Republicans Fascists Liberals Left Conservatives Right Moderates Center Left - LiberalsRight - ConservativesCenter - Moderates Where Americans Stand
That’s It! That’s It!