Population 80 Million, most populous Arab country Population 80 Million, most populous Arab country 40% of population lives in city. 40% of population lives in city. Life expectancy at birth 72. Life expectancy at birth 72. Religion 90% Sunni Muslim; 10% Coptic Christian. Religion 90% Sunni Muslim; 10% Coptic Christian. Literacy 71% (women 59%, men 83%) Literacy 71% (women 59%, men 83%)
Economy GDP per capita: $6200 GDP per capita: $6200 Unemployment rate 9.4% Unemployment rate 9.4% 20% of population below poverty line. 20% of population below poverty line.
Mohammed Ali Defeated the Ottoman sultan, defeated the Wahhabis for the Ottoman and became the de facto ruler of Egypt around 1800.(although technically still a part of the Ottoman empire) Defeated the Ottoman sultan, defeated the Wahhabis for the Ottoman and became the de facto ruler of Egypt around 1800.(although technically still a part of the Ottoman empire) NO Yes!
Wahhabi Uprising
North African After the Capitulations
Suez Canal built by French/Egyptian consortium: 1869
Suez project finished by Britain 1879 Egypt left in deep debt, so Britain invaded and essentially took over Canal and economic interests. Egypt left in deep debt, so Britain invaded and essentially took over Canal and economic interests.
Mandate System
Basically fell under British rule until after WWI In 1922, Egypt granted independence, but fought over during WWII. In 1922, Egypt granted independence, but fought over during WWII. King Farouk, a westernized Egyptian King installed. Playboy, hated by people, same old story. King Farouk, a westernized Egyptian King installed. Playboy, hated by people, same old story. Seen as Western puppet. Seen as Western puppet.
After WWII In 1952, after military coup, General Abdul Nasser came to power. In 1952, after military coup, General Abdul Nasser came to power. Another secular leader. Pan Arabist. Another secular leader. Pan Arabist.
Pan Arabism: a socialist dream State
Nasser Was anti-British, anti-Imperialist, anti Israel. Was anti-British, anti-Imperialist, anti Israel. Recognized Red China Recognized Red China Got weapons from Soviets. Got weapons from Soviets. In 1956, like Mossediq in Iran, Nasser nationalized the Suez canal. In 1956, like Mossediq in Iran, Nasser nationalized the Suez canal. United States didn’t like recognition of China, but did not want Britain to invade. United States didn’t like recognition of China, but did not want Britain to invade. Nasser also wanted to re-annex Sudan, after Britain had just let it go. Nasser also wanted to re-annex Sudan, after Britain had just let it go.
Suez Canal Crisis Britain, France, and Israel invade Egypt Britain, France, and Israel invade Egypt Israel which had been denied access to Red Sea and Canal and was worried about Soviet weapons, wanted to invade, were supported by France and Britain Israel which had been denied access to Red Sea and Canal and was worried about Soviet weapons, wanted to invade, were supported by France and Britain Israel easily defeated Egyptian, occupying Gaza and Sinai. Israel easily defeated Egyptian, occupying Gaza and Sinai. U.N. made them give it back. U.N. made them give it back.
United Arab Republic A nation comprised of Egypt and Syria, but they couldn’t get along. A nation comprised of Egypt and Syria, but they couldn’t get along.
1967: Six Day War Led Egypt in war that Israel won in 6 days. Led Egypt in war that Israel won in 6 days. Israel occupies the West Bank, Gaza and Sinai. Israel occupies the West Bank, Gaza and Sinai. Nasser resigns but his people won’t let him, still wildly popular with secular Egyptians. Nasser resigns but his people won’t let him, still wildly popular with secular Egyptians. Agrees to resolution 242, accepting Israel’s right to exist behind the pre 1967 Lines (Green line). Unpopular decision. Agrees to resolution 242, accepting Israel’s right to exist behind the pre 1967 Lines (Green line). Unpopular decision. Helps the PLO to organize and starts minor skirmishes near Canal against Israel. Tries to convince Arafat to make peace, with Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza. Helps the PLO to organize and starts minor skirmishes near Canal against Israel. Tries to convince Arafat to make peace, with Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza. Introduces PLO to Soviets. Introduces PLO to Soviets.
Nasser Dies 1970 Anwar Sadat made President. Anwar Sadat made President.
1973: Yom Kippur War Egypt once again defeated by Israel. Egypt once again defeated by Israel.
Camp David: 1978 Egypt makes peace with Israel and gets the Sinai back. Israel keeps Gaza and West Bank. Egypt makes peace with Israel and gets the Sinai back. Israel keeps Gaza and West Bank.
1978 Camp David Accords
Sadat Assassinated by Soldiers in 1981 Based on Fatwah pronounced by Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman, later convicted for World Trade Center bombing in Based on Fatwah pronounced by Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman, later convicted for World Trade Center bombing in In the ensuing trail of militant, Hymen Zawahri rose to prominence as spokesman. Now second in command of Al Qaeda. In the ensuing trail of militant, Hymen Zawahri rose to prominence as spokesman. Now second in command of Al Qaeda.
Muslim Brotherhood
Hosni Mubarak his V.P. Takes over and has ruled since in a police state Censorship Censorship Arrests and torture without charge Arrests and torture without charge Rule in “state of emergency” since Sadat. Rule in “state of emergency” since Sadat.