Immigration in Canada
Multiculturalism Immigrants or descendants of immigrants make up 98% of Canadians. Canada is a multicultural society
Immigration History There are two reasons why immigration has become so important to Canadians: 1.Quantity- How many people should we welcome into our country? 2.Nature- Where are they coming from?
Where do they live in Canada? Most of our immigrants live in Ontario, BC, Quebec and Alberta. They live mostly in Ontario and BC. Most immigrants settle in large cities like Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. Because of their large population, these cities offer cultural stores, entertainment, religious groups and organizations.
Types of Immigrants Landed Immigrant- An immigrant of Canada. Independent Immigrant- A skilled worker or business person. Can support themselves financially, and can easily find employment. Family Immigrants- Family members of Canadians that the government allows to move to Canada. Refugees- Fears persecution or death in their home country.
Interprovincial Migration In-Migration- When provinces gain migrants from other provinces Out-Migration- When provinces lose migrants to other provinces.
Questions: Page 199- #1, 2, 3, 4, 6