WHAT ARE NEURO- CYBERNETICS? In the physical sciences, neurocybernetics is the study of communication and automatic control systems in mutual relation to machines and living organisms. The underlying mathematical descriptions are control theory, extended for complex systems, and mean field theory for neural networks and neural field theory. Exemplary applications of walking and human arm control. Neurocybernetics is a sub- discipline of biocybernetics. – wikipedia
APPLICATIONS OF CYBERNETICS There are many applications of cybernetics both industrial, but mostly as prosthesis for amputees such as bionic arms, or legs, or any appendages in general along with artificial organs like hearts for example. An artificial heart simply mimics the process of the valves in a heart, pumping the blood, but unlike a normal heart it leaves you with no pulse because it makes your blood circulate in a constant stream instead of bursts of pressure. An artificial organ in fact is usually more efficient than a normal, human organ, the opposite can be said about robotic arms.
HOW HAS CYBERNETICS HELPED IN TODAYS WORLD? Neurocybernetics has come in very handy when it comes to getting amputees back to what they used to do. Many amputees that wish to have more than a steel bar with a foot at the end invest in robotic limbs from hands, to arms, to ankles and legs. Ones of the greater achievements was the invention of the EYE21 system that allows the blind to see again by hooking up special sensors up to their brain that flash images of their surroundings to them, or for someone who has less money to spend they can get the product below that senses an object and gives them a little sound to let them know where they are and about the things around them.