MFL Subject Mentor Meeting Wednesday 14 March 2012
Introduction Welcome Feedback so far TDA priority themes – What are they? – Why do they matter? MFL priority theme – Development of pupils’ speaking skills in the TL
Preparedness To what extent has the training you have received prepared you to …?
Key Question for this session What can we as a Partnership do to ensure that even more of our MFL trainees feel prepared in relation to these priority themes?
Preparedness to teach a range of abilities Preparedness to teach learners from minority ethnic backgrounds Preparedness to work with EAL learners Preparedness to develop pupils’ speaking abilities in the target language Preparedness to use ICT effectively in teaching Planning teaching to achieve progression for learners Understanding how to monitor, assess, record and report learners’ progress. Preparedness to communicate with parents and carers Preparedness to teach pupils with SEND
Objective 1 Identify what support and opportunities schools can offer trainees in relation to these priority areas. How might these opportunities be evidenced? How might we support trainees in converting opportunities into evidence toward QTS?
Objectives 2 and 3 Analyse strengths and deficits in relation to priority areas for your school. – Where do the main strengths seem to lie? – Where do main deficits seem to lie? One possible solution might be to encourage cross student/ school exchanges. – What scope do you see for this in your context? – How might we take this forward?
Objective 4 Consider the role/ contribution of the University in supporting priority areas. – How can we help? – What might we do between now and the end of this LP/ PGCE year that would help schools? – And longer term?
Forthcoming Events March 20 th, pm ALL/ Languages Network NE event in room 1.43 Media Lab, Newcastle University. Exploring the Linked Up Projects database. May 1 st, pm. Trade Fair in Lindisfarne Room, Newcastle University. Demonstration of mobile phone language learning applications. to follow with more details
Useful on-line resources resources/cldd-briefing-packs.html resources/cldd-briefing-packs.html (useful briefing sheets re. complex learning needs) (has ITE strand) (with link to Linkedup Projects database)