Case #101: The Case of the Missing USB Drive
Mrs. Yuen has been borrowing Mrs. Jeremica’s USB drive to teach Forensic Science this year. It contains all the lesson plans that Mrs. Jeremica has done in the past. The USB drive is missing and Mrs. Yuen is freaking out! How will she ever be able to teach this class, and how will she ever be able to tell Mrs. Jeremica she lost her files? The door to the room is always locked unless class is in session. Mrs. Yuen discovered the USB drive was missing Tuesday (Sept. 22) morning and reported that the door was locked when she initially went inside the room.
Part 1: Initial Plan A) You are going to be working in teams of 2 or 3. Every member of the team will need the following on their own notebook paper: Write down a plan of action What types of evidence do you hope to find or do you think will be pertinent to the case? What supplies do you think you would bring with you to collect evidence? *I will ask each group their plan before you will be allowed to view the crime scene B) You will need to answer the following questions: 1. Who stole the object? What evidence do you have to support this? 2. How was it stolen? What was the sequence of events? What evidence do you have to support this?
Part II: View the Crime Scene and Revise Plan
Part III: Crime Scene Observations/Recording 1)As a class let’s discuss some ideas about how to observe the crime scene and record it. 2)With your group you will observe and record the crime scene.
Part IV: Evidence Collection 1)As a class let’s discuss each piece of evidence. 2)Each group will collect one piece of evidence from the crime scene to analyze it. Take notes from your observations and analysis of your piece of evidence and return to Mrs. Yuen. 3)Prepare some questions you have about the evidence to ask Mrs. Yuen!
Part V: Report Your Conclusions! 1)Ask Mrs. Yuen any questions you have about the evidence! The goal is to come up with a timeline of events that occurred leading up to the crime. 2)Refer to the Rubric Handout to help you draw conclusions and write your report!