Greek Culture
Philosophy Explanation of the nature of the universe Questions of reality and human existence Thales – 1 st philosopher
Great Athenian Philosophers Socrates Know thyself! question everything only the pursuit of goodness brings happiness. Plato The Academy The world of the FORMS The Republic philosopher-king
Great Athenian Philosophers Aristotle The Lyceum Logic. Scientific method.
Athens: The Arts & Sciences DRAMA (tragedians): Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides THE SCIENCES: Pythagoras Democritus all matter made up of small atoms. Hippocrates “Father of Medicine”
Drama Festivals of Dionysus (God of Wine) –Playwrights submit 4 plays for competition Method of presentation –Actors with masks –Chorus –Acoustics –Reserved seats –Dry seats –Mechanics Themes –Trojan war characters and their descendents –Ethics from Heroic period
Drama Tragedy –The most common of the genrés Of about 1000 written, only 31 remain – all by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides –Hero, Fate, Outside Events –Defeat usually because of Pride Comedies –Hero usually solve their problems
Drama Sophocles –Friend of Pericles –Great prestige and wealth –Wrote 123 plays, but only 7 exist –Sophoclean tragic heroes Have tragic defects Are likeable and we feel sorry for them –Introduced two-actor interaction –Conflict: Tradition and loyalty to king (Antigone) Good intentions and fate (Oedipus the King) Euripides Aristophanes - Father of Greek Comedy
History Herodotus ( BC) –Father of History –Tried to record coherent history –Traveled widely –Books called Researches –Most writing were about Persian wars
History Thucydides ( BC) –Prominent soldier/historian –History of the Peloponnesian Wars
Art Classical Sculpture –Greek principles important Exact proportion—Golden mean Phidias—greatest Greek sculptor Myron – Discus Thrower Parthenon, Temples in Olympia