Clara Lauture & Valerie Rea GOT GOALS? READY, SET…GO!!!! McGill University School of Nursing Presented by: Clara Lauture & Valerie Rea
GOT GOALS? What is a Goal? What is a Career? How to create a Career Goal?
A GOAL IS? Something you expect to achieve A desired destination Needs a timeframe Short term goal Long term goal Can be applied to everything
What Is a CAREER? Work, progress in life Becomes a source of your income Chosen profession or trade EX: accountant, mechanic, business man, music artist
GOT GOALS? Think about your career dream…. Who do you want to be? How do I achieve this dream? How do I make a CAREER GOAL?
S.M.A.R.T What does this stand for? S specific M measurable A attainable R realistic T time frame Diem&Moyer 2005.
GOT GOALS? S = SPECIFIC -Who is involved? (1st person “I”) -What do you want to accomplish? Ex: I want to be a fashion designer. Do not provide examples because it limits …….
GOT GOALS? M = MEASURABLE How will you measure your progress? Ex: ways to measure your progress: Getting your degree in fashion design Getting good grades Change this… make it more straight forward….
GOT GOALS? A = ATTAINABLE -Within your reach? Possible? What steps are involved? Example: Studying harder will help me get my degree in fashion design Each step brings you closer to your goal
GOT GOALS? R = REALISTIC -Make a plan for reaching your goal -BREAK DOWN your goal into small steps Career Goal: Fashion designer realizing that; start at the bottom to get to the top!!! Not so realistic…..we need a concrete example….
GOT GOALS? T = TIME FRAME - All goals should include a time frame SHORT TERM GOALS= less than a week LONG TERM GOALS= months to years Example: “ I will graduate from LaSalle college in 3 years with a degree in Fashion design….