Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart Numerical Modelling – Policy Interface Workshop 2007 March 12th – 13th, 2007,


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Presentation transcript:

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart Numerical Modelling – Policy Interface Workshop 2007 March 12th – 13th, 2007, Stuttgart, Germany Venue: Senatssaal, Rektoramt, Keplerstrasse 7 NMPI Concept & Vision Desmond Yaw Manful & Andrew Hughes

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart Outline of the talk Background Motivation Objectives Method: NMPI Workshops NMPI NETWORK 2

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart Background 3 Context I - General „Water could be the first casulty of global warning; Effects of declining water supplies will be harsh &noticeable“ Steven Chu, Director Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA (Speech from CleanTech Forum, February “Decision support” provides a milieu that links present and future aspects of resource management to adaptation, vulnerability and feedback mechanisms.

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart Background 3 Context II - why a network? The potential of networks to foster change in research, practice and policy (RPP) To break the expensive viscous cycle of model development & non-use by target audience Beyond what a single institution, programme or even country can achieve (Synergies – e.g. EU & US)

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart Motivation 3 Need for a new paradigm: To assess the needs of end-users To improve the involvement of end-user *Improving communication is not enough! Missing links Need for a new tools: To assess to uptake of numerical tools by end-user

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart 6 Motivation Beyond the Status Quo Issues arising out informal expert consultation: 1. Need to downscale Science-Policy Nexus to manageable components 2. Strategic communication and effective engagement of researchers & decisionmakers 4. Urgent need to make adaptation work especially in the southern hemisphere 3. Need for a common platform to compare notes, exchange ideas, develop synergies

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart Motivation Summary NMPI Network Purpose  To narrow gap betw. numerical modelling & policy /practice  To improve use of numerical tools for adaptation to CG Objective  Define issues that characterize gap & set a research agenda to address them (thematically within geopolitical  Provide a platform where all stakeholders (model users, developers, other S.P.N initiatives) can share knowledge Outcome  Establish a Global network of interested parties working on various themes of the interface  Improved uptake of numerical models  A Forum for informed & objective stakeholder dialogue How is NMPIN realised? 10

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart 14 Objectives Overview NMPI 2007 Workshop I Stuttgart NMPI 2007 Workshop II Nottingham Background EU FP6 Bids IPCC Report 2007 Consultations Rapid Assessment Instrument Improving decision making Adaptation to climate change Need for well defined interface Need for common platform to harmonize global initiatives & to share exp. & knowledge Characterize the interface Domain: water environment Adapt a thematic approach Geopolitical consideration Set an agenda for research with sciencitifically formulated issues Provide input for NMPI strategy Engage practioners Research agenda from Stuttgart as basis for research consortia development Concretize input into 5 year short-term strategy of NMPI Disemination of NMPI process

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart 18 Method NMPI – Workshop I I.To develop a network of interested parties to systematically assess, define &document the gap between numerical modeling & policy II.To develop a research agenda driven by the findings from objective I 1. Thematic 2. Geopolitical Within specific: Framework

15 A knowledge sharing network

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart NMPI Network Beyond – Workshops I & II Beyond the workshops: 1.NMPI 5 Year Strategy Paper 2.Research Consortia (Thematic with Geopolitical consideration) 3.Publish two edited volumes documenting NMPI workshop “process”

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart 17 NMPI Network Components Classification Organisation Consensus Allows one to ask the right questions Role of young professionals, graduate students and interns in NETWORK building

Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie (ILPÖ) Universität Stuttgart 5 Method NM PIN Concept Adaptated from Creech & Willard, 2001