Why Guatemala?
Guatemala and Central America
Some data “Maya Culture Heart” Inhabitants: 14.4 millions, at least 23 ethnic groups. A middle income country: GNI US$ 2,740 per capita. 50.9% lives on US$2 or less per day. 15.2% lives on US$1 or less per day.
Some data 20% of inhabitants control 60.3% of national income. Another 20% control 2.9% of national income. 8% own 80% of the more productive land. Government invests 6.69% of GNI in social security. 19.3% of children have acute malnutrition (it could be over 50% in rural and indigenous areas).
As result of this …
What CA is supporting … A regional program: Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua. A 12-person team. Working on Secure Livelihood, Tax Justice and Governance. Working with 9 partners on Guatemala.
What CA is supporting … An equal tax justice framework. Advocacy for more investment on food security and rural development. People participation on policies and in the decision- making process. To build resilient communities.
Challenges … Insecurity and drug traffic. Influence of army in government is increasing again. A “hard hand” government vs. human rights. Historical inequality (ethnic groups, rural areas, women) Region is not a priority for international cooperation. Economic growth without benefits for the poorest. How to take advantages from basic grains as cash crops. To change the traditional role of private sector in relation to development.
If you want to know more … for human development reports. for historical racism and inequality. for tax justice. how to influence food security and rural development policies. human rights situation. a blog about risk management and resilience. practical actions to protect the environment.
This could be the future of Guatemala…