1 Dr. Ofer Rimon : Director of the science and technology administration, Israel's MOE Hagit Yaffe-Wiesel : Intel CAG, Israel Promoting “a culture of scientists” A systematic STEM policy change across Israeli education system
2 Hagit Yaffe-Wiesel Intel Maya Halevy MOS Manon Haran MOS Dr. Ofer Rimon MOE Allow me to invite you join us To the journey we took in the last several months… It all began a year ago, in this exact event… We were: 2
Current situation : STEM formal education system Solving national issues The problem: poor achievements in international STEM scoring MOE solution: a flagship program “STAR” (scientific/technological as reserve) increase % of students completing matriculations with quality STEM majors by: Adding more instructional hours to schools teacher training/having more qualified teachers and Improving infrastructures to schools Offering incentives for students Current situation : STEM formal education system Solving national issues 3
Adding PBL into the formal system Results of the dialog between Intel and MOE Two elements were added to have comprehensive plan with higher impact: 4 Go to cultural change Developing a culture from bottom up, across the national system A 3-4 years program Building a wider infrastructure to ISEF Open science for all, not only the bright once Forming a coalition of stakeholders : MOE, municipalities, museums, science centers, industry, and academia Promoting “a culture of scientists”The industry added value A Campaign to increase youth motivation Industry to lead a motivational effort via role modeling for student - NEW
Many other different competitions and programs without connection Intel ISEF in Israel exists 15 years and attracts voluntarily a few hundred teens yearly What we had in the past (competitions) In High schools No demand and no benefit for students who did research projects Only technological schools/major require projects but the average level is not very high As a result, only the intrinsic motivated students carry out a research, and only the very good once participate in Intel ISEF And we receive a lot of PR and governmental attention In Elementary and Junior High schools PBL is well known but not in massive use Science Fairs are rare in schools level Why? 5
Our objectives Three official (MOE) main objectives: Expand meaningful project based approaches across schools in Israel Create an infrastructure to feed ISEF as single formal national fair Israeli students to excel in the international competitions Our objectives 6
Building a national infrastructure Implementation in 4 parallel paths The national fair is the top of the pyramid The infrastructure for middle schools and elementary schools was build bottoms up Building a national Infrastructure: Implementation in 4 parallel paths School fairs Elementary-Middle school-High school City/Regional fairs Elementary-Middle school-High school Country level fair Elementary-Middle school-High school ISEF 7
A three year program – a long term investment Program roadmap: a long term investment :developing the program, mapping, building infrastructures and launch pilots : implementation of the pilot phase and first results : expansion (12 big cities, 4 focus subjects) 2014: expanding the program to full scale 8 ComplianceIdentificationInternalization
Implementation in 4 parallel paths Implementation in 4 parallel paths Systematic formal policy change : school fair requirement (selected grades: 6’th and 10’th) Path 1: City fair: 3 demonstrating cities (pilot) Path 2: Country fair Path 3: Supporting programs : improve the quality of projects in the national fair Path 4: 9
Path 1 : changing the formal curriculum across the national system Created national standards, resources and materials for teachers and student Path 1: changing the formal curriculum across the national system For the teachers: 15 instructional hours added to the curriculum for PBL Recourses created: exemplary units, topic suggestions, and evaluation criteria Teacher training Mapping informal STEM centers/ museums /labs to support the projects For the students: Examples of project ideas “How to write a project” guide מדיניות 10
We selected 3 cities to be a model cities - they held a city fair this year A local coalition : MOE, municipality, academia, industry and local science centers The city/regional fair is fed by the excellent school fairs projects at the 3 age levels We incorporated the international and national standards in this process Path 2: Establishing city fairs mechanism 11
Jerusalem city fair, April 2012 Collaboration of Municipality, MOS, HUJI, local center 106 projects 60 schools Hundreds of students celebrating Science Mayor attendance Jerusalem city fair - a local example 2011 No city fair Almost no projects 12
Path 3: Country level fair and National fair (ISEF) Country level fair Country level fair is fed by the city/regional multiple fairs Top projects can apply the to international fairs National level fair Enjoy a lot of PR and governmental attention Well established, good reputation Involvement of Intel volunteers as mentors short movie about ISEF 13
; Path 4: supporting programs to national fair 14 “In the Path of Research” opening the gates to academy Intensive 5 day program, in the university campus Learning in depth one current academic research, in a university lab Final event: a competition presenting the research to others “High tech” team Focus on the electronic subject A small team of 12 “electronics stars” students A "team of excellence" supported with engineers from the High Tech industry (first team: INTEL) Creating innovative projects
ISEF – national fair – March 2012 Time line Educator Academy May 2011 ISEF - national fair March 2012 city fair - Jerusalem city fair - Lod city fair - Beer-Sheba Country level fair - Jerusalem
outcomes Cultural changes started Top down and Bottom up aligning all stakeholder to work in a coalition Transition from compliance to identification Summary 16 The result: Impact on the national system on Israeli teachers and students MOE added critical elements to national program Policy change Budget Declaration (ISEF became 1 of 5 official competitions) Programs implementations Quantity - opening science to all: City/country fair Quality: Support programs
Key takeaways for other Countries Key takeaways for other Countries How can this be applicable in your country? What are the takeaways you can adopt? 17
18 Promoting “a culture of scientists” Thank you Questions?
About cultural change There are 3 stages of cultural change/impact: Based on rewards Vs. sanctions Motivation is self utility Short term and shallow Compliance * H. Kalman Internalization Internalization of the value Motivation is intrinsic Long term and deep Identification Understanding of the value for me Motivation is to be like the influencer Mid. term and not stable enough 19 Back