Child Labor in El Salvador Jaileen Mares & Nancy Orta Period 1 English Mrs.kheyfets May 5, 2015
Country Facts ●It is located in North America. ●The capital is San Salvador. ●The type of government they have is Constitutional Republic and Presidential System.
5 facts about El Salvador ❏ Their official language is Spanish ❏ 36.5 is below the poverty rate ❏ 6.34 is the population for El Salvador ❏ some places to visit are:Lake Coatepeque,El Boquerón National Park,and Teatro Nacional de El Salvador ❏ El Salvador is the “land of the volcanoes”
Child Labor Laws ❏ Increase fines for violations of labor laws, including child labor ❏ Minimum Age for Work : age 14 ❏ Minimum Age for Hazardous Work: age 18 ❏ List of Hazardous Occupations Prohibited for Children ❏ Free Public Education
Child Labor Condition ●Dangerous work (machetes, and other sharp knives to cut sugarcanes. ) ●They work nine hours each day in the hot sun. ●El Salvador is one of five countries in Latin America to participate in an International Labor Organization Time-Bound Program.
Products Produced ●Coffee ●Fireworks ●Shellfish ●Sugarcane
Promoting Awareness ❏ Informational Online Campaign ❏ Make signs and start a protest ❏ Create donation fundraiser to send money to those families