Operational Meeting 30th January th January 2009 Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute for International Relations 30th January th January 2009 Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute for International Relations
AGENDA 1.Feedback and update Advocacy update CCHA Sub Committee on Logistics CCHA sub committee on Education 8.30 am – 9.00 am 2.CHA’s approach to Humanitarian Accountability and Transparency Nayomi Dharmatileke - Assistant Manager Advocacy – CHA 9.00 am – 9.15 am
3.Discussion – Accountability and Transparency – Responding to the Humanitarian Imperative- The Challenge 9.15 am am 4.Announcements / AOB 9.40 am – 9.45 am
Advocacy update
CCHA Sub Committee on Logistics
CCHA Sub-Committee – Logistics and Essential Services Ministry of Resettlement and Disaster Relief 27th January 2009 Ministry of NB Briefing 11 UNWFP convoys have carried a total of 8,200 tons of food aid. A few trucks off forcefully retained by the LTTE. Review current UNWFP or GA convoys procedure. CCHA representation
Reception of IDPs Future Logistic Preparedness Dependable on; Available food and non-food resources to support IDP operations, transit facilitation of humanitarian resources through check points outside of war zones Set up of new humanitarian routes and revision of sea transport costs
Action Points List of Non-Food items Medawachchiya check point – ease transit procedure Use of A9 or alternate route to Jaffna. Reduction in sea transport cost to Jaffna.
CCHA sub committee on Education
CCHA Sub-Committee on Education Ministry of Education – “Isurupaya”, Battaramulla 28th January 2009 Education Updates North IDP students - Vanni –700 students and 17 teachers reported to Vavuniya –Need for temporary shelter –Stitched uniforms IDP students – Jaffna –6 teachers and 400 students have reported.
Future Plan Village concept – – 4 villages of 150 acres each. – 4 Acres for schools – 20,000 students per village Furniture – from cleared areas.
GCE O/L Examination – Math – –125 students in the Vavuniya IDP camps –None from Mullaitivu –Special Math examination Documents for School Admissions –mobile verification team Education Update – Eastern Province –Six schools not functional –Lack of Resources –Financial Allocation –Assistance to Eechalampattu Schools
Surveys on Eastern province Schools Request for IDPs in Vavuniya Contact: Ms VRA Osweld, Zonal Director Vavuniya
CHA’s approach to Humanitarian Accountability and Transparency Nayomi Dharmatileke – Assistant Manager Advocacy – CHA
Discussion – Accountability and Transparency – Responding to the Humanitarian Imperative - The Challenge
“The nature of the injuries and the number of the injuries is such that if these medical supplies do not arrive in the next 24 hours many of the injured will die.”. – the Vanni, Jan 2009 The Rs. value of food rations afforded to ‘old’ IDPs starts at Rs.336/per individual. CHA recommended a minimum of Rs increase of food rations (May 2007). Overlooking the impact of decisions on environmental space and sustainability bodes a serious future problem… Humanitarian imperatives…. Where do we stand.?
When Does Displacement End? When the cause for displacement is no longer prevalent /changes in circumstances. Ability to return/ re-settle safely, receiving compensation and assistance for re- integration. The point at which displaced persons no longer require special assistance or have unmet needs on account of their position.
The unseen plight of children… Sriyani- 15 yrs old, was sexually abused by an individual who was assisted by Sriyani’s own sister. Her parents had passed away. During her abuse, her father suffered from paralysis on one side of his body and was therefore in hospital. The sister is also in a home now. Sriyani was kept at the Salvation Army, yet was very unhappy and wanted to go home as she was teased and called names. She was very depressed that no one came to visit her. Ranjini Kumar- 25 yrs old, is mentally unstable. She is not able to answer basic questions about herself. She was living with a distant relative, until a complaint was made to the police by the neighbors, claiming that she was being physically assaulted by her relative. She was brought before the courts and it was decided that she was to be sent to stay with her grandmother, despite the grandmother’s reluctance to take her in.
AOB / Announcements
The next meeting will be held at the Caritas – SEDEC Auditorium, 133 Kynsey Road, Colombo 8.