Major, minor & negative learning style preferences of Greek university learners Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey Zoe Kantaridou
Outline Literature review Purpose Instrument Results Teaching suggestions
Literature review-1 Moody, 1988 Ehrman & Oxford, 1989 Reid, 1987 Peacock, 2001
Literature review-2 General comment: Learning styles are influenced by Educational & occupational engagements Culture
Oxford, Hollaway and Horton-Murillo (1992: 441) “Although culture is not the single determinant, and although many other influences intervene, culture often does play a significant role in the learning styles unconsciously adopted by many participants in the culture”
Purpose of study Provide general learning style profile Show differences among fields of study Suggest learning strategies
Participants Aristotle University & University of Macedonia N=1616 Mean age: 19.5 yrs old Fields of study: Humanities □Engineering Foreign Languages□Sciences Education □Medicine Economics□Computer Science
Styles Analysis Survey, Oxford 1995 Use of senses during study: visual, auditory, hands-on Personality/ psychological: Relationship with others: Extroverted or introverted Handling of possibilities: Intuitive-random or Concrete-sequential Approach to activities: Closure-oriented or open Cognitive: Use of ideas: Global or analytic
Greek uni Ss’ learning profile
Major: ‘natural’ learning method, strong learning preference Minor: Modest but functional learning preference Negative: Difficult-to-handle learning method, non- spontaneous
Styles FIELDS of STUDY HUM/FLEDUECONMEDENG/SCCS Visual major Auditory negative Hands-on negativeminor Extrovert minor majorminor major Introvert negative Intuitive-Random major Concrete-sequential minormajorminor Closure-oriented major minormajor Open negativeminornegative Global major Analytic negative minornegative
Styles FIELDS of STUDY HUM/FL EDUECONMEDENG/SC CS Visual major Auditory negative Hands-on negative minor Extrovert minor majorminor major Introvert negative Intuitive-Random major Concrete-sequential minor majorminor Closure-oriented major minormajor Open negative minornegative Global major Analytic negative minor negative
Styles FIELDS of STUDY HUM/FLEDUECONMEDENG/SCCS Visual major Auditory negative Hands-on negativeminor Extrovert majorminor major Introvert negative Intuitive-Random major Concrete-sequential minormajorminor Closure-oriented major minormajor Open negativeminornegative Global major Analytic negative minornegative
Styles FIELDS of STUDY HUM/FLEDUECONMEDENG/SCCS Visual major Auditory negative Hands-on minor Extrovert minor majorminor major Introvert negative Intuitive-Random major Concrete-sequential minormajorminor Closure-oriented major minormajor Open negativeminornegative Global major Analytic negative minornegative
General comment Most balanced learners: Education: 5 major + 3 minor Medicine: 4 major + 4 minor Least flexible learners: Humanities & Foreign Languages, 4 major + 2 minor
Major/ minorSuggested strategies Visual Visual input: OHTs, PowerPoint presentations, diagrams, highlighting, semantic mapping, revising Extroverted Active cooperative tasks, projects, laughter/jokes, role plays Intuitive-random Brainstorming, identifying the purpose, making guesses, using induction Independent work after clear instructions of the process & purpose of the task, goal- setting, self-evaluation Concrete-sequential Clear instructions, making plans, applying rules to new situations Closure-orientedGoal-setting with deadlines, links to previous knowledge Global Mind-maps, cultural knowledge, delay speech production, summarizing, guessing Frequent (re-)organizing of vocabulary, skimming
Negative styles Suggested strategies AuditoryNote-taking from auditory input OpenNegotiation of tasks/ purpose Except for EDU (minor) Analytic Scanning, recombining/ analyzing into constituents, compare/contrast Except for Medicine (minor)
the least balanced Humanities & Foreign Languages
one of the most balanced Education
one of the most balanced Medicine
A. Psaltou-Joycey & Z. Kantaridou Thank you Good Luck with your Visual & hands-on Extroverted Intuitive-random & concrete sequential Closure-oriented and Global students