yiyi y ei yiyi By: Javier Gomez Writing 10 Kristine Van Bebber
The scooq on dyslexia Learning disability that makes reading and processing speech a challenge. Scientists estimate that dyslexia affects more than 10 percent of the world's population. The problem lies with faulty communication between different areas of the brain's language network.
Connecting the dots It is estimated that 1 in 10 people have dyslexia Dyslexia is not tied to IQ 80% of people associate dyslexia with some form of retardation. Dyslexics may excel at connecting ideas, thinking out of the box, 3D thinking, seeing the big picture
“There are three types of mathematicians, those who can count and those who can’t.”
What’s the big deal? Less than 1/3 of the children with reading disabilities are receiving school services for their reading disability. Dyslexia is the most common of the language based learning disabilities % of all adults can only read at the lowest level. 62% of non readers dropped out of high school.
What can be done? The word, dyslexia has always been recognized as a learning disability in federal law. But, the label is not important. It is essential that your child gets the proper instruction so he can learn to read. Is the school telling you something that just doesn't sound right? You need to educate yourself about dyslexia and how kids with dyslexia learn to read.
Proposal Dyslexia, as well as other learning disabilities, is covered under the individual with disabilities education act (IDEA). Both IDEA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act require an assessment that consists of multiple phonological tests that exhibits major impairment on the patients daily life. If school does not comply with law after documentation has been supplied, a file for an impartial due process hearing should determine the accommodations needed for a student.
Diagnosing dyslexia A comprehensive list of tests commonly used to diagnose dyslexia and language disability depend on age of the individual tested Most common diagnostic testing include a 48-hour graduate level course called Diagnosing Dyslexia. Typical testing includes Phonological Awareness, Phonological Memory, Alternate Phonological Awareness, and Alternate Rapid Naming.
Treatment= 504 Plan Classroom accommodations, can be provided through a 504 Plan. Some accommodations include: Spelling tests should not be graded conventionally Oral test should be given. Should not be allowed to dictate answers Patient should not be required to copy from the board. A peer note taker should be provided Should not be required to alphabetize anything. Should be given extra time in tests.
Don’t ignore the signs!
Works Cited "Dyslexia." - Mayo Clinic. Web. 27 Apr Talcott, Joel Brent. A Cross-sectional Analysis of Visual-temporal Modulation Sensitivity in Reading-disabled Children Print. "Dyslexia Statistics - Get the Facts." Dyslexia Statistics - Get the Facts. Web. 5 May Fleischhacker, W. W. Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Wien: Springer, Print.