Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Designing Interactive Knowledge- supported Ubiquitous Information Systems Practices Copyright IKS Consortium 1 Name Affiliation Date
Page: Practice A – SiDIS Task 2 Topic: The Future Lecture Room! Teams of 4-5 students (1) Generate situations via Brainwriting Pool method (2) Select best situations via Spot method (3) Apply situations in real lecture room with Post-Its (green: information technology; red: information; yellow: realization of information) (4) Write narratives for each situation Copyright IKS Consortium 2
Page: Practice B – SiDIS Task 3 Narrative: “It's Thursday morning. I get site-specific weather information when I am brushing my teeth in the bathroom. Based on weather information and my calendar, free-time event suggestions are given, e.g. "Today, 8 p.m. - Miss Marple Night at CinemaOne. Do you want to order tickets?” Translate the following parts of the exemplary narrative into Pre- Artifacts a) Based on weather information and my calendar, free-time event suggestions are given, e.g. "Today, 8 p.m. – Sneak Preview at CinemaOne. b) Do you want to order tickets?” Copyright IKS Consortium 3
Page: Practice C – SiDIS Task 5 Derivation of formal propositional conceptual models from exemplary Pre-Artifact part Translate the highlighted entities and their relations into a semantic representation by means of the Role Interaction Pattern Copyright IKS Consortium 4
Page: Practice D – SiDIS Task 6 Analyse the AISM layers concerning the formalization of system design (1) Service System and Social System What are the services of the intended system? Which internal services deliver information objects? Which interface services take a role in an interaction with the user? Which interface services are used by users to interact? Which service interactions take place? Does the system require information about the user role? (2) Information Sphere Which information objects have to be requested from external services? Which information objects have to be created by the system itself? How about format and storage of information objects (data infrastructure)? (3) Physical Object System How will the interaction of user and system be realized? How will information objects be presented? How is the I/O behavior of the system? Does the system need information about the available physical objects? Copyright IKS Consortium 5
Page: Contact Copyright IKS Consortium 6 M.Sc. Sabine Janzen Chair of Information and Service Systems (ISS) Department of Law and Economics Saarland University The following organizations were also involved in the IKS AmI Case:
Page: Literature on SiDIS Copyright IKS Consortium 7 Maass, W. & Janzen, S.: Pattern-Based Approach for Designing with Diagrammatic and Propositional Conceptual Models, 6th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2011, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, Janzen, S., Kowatsch, T. & Maass, W.: A Methodology for Content- Centered Design of Ambient Environments, DESRIST 2010: Global Perspectives on Design Science Research, St. Gallen, Switzerland, Maass, W. & Varshney, W.: A Framework for Smart Healthcare Situations and Smart Drugs. SIG-Health Pre-AMCIS Workshop at the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009). San Francisco, USA.