Social Norms In Pennsylvania A review of what is happening Across the Commonwealth
Progress in reducing underage and excessive student drinking can be made when colleges and universities can: Assess their problems realistically Adopt research-based strategies to confront them Adjust program activities to meet institution-specific needs Define outcomes for drinking programs that reflect desired changes and can be measured
Tier 3 of the NIAAA Report Conducting marketing campaigns to correct student misperceptions of alcohol use
So What is Social Norming
Social Norming Is: Basic idea of turning misperceptions, especially by first year students, related to high risk drinking that is engaged in by other students at the institution. This is done by using campus based media about true levels of consumption.
Just the Facts School needs to have accurate, latest data on drinking by students Achieved by surveying, reports from agencies such as law enforcement, hospitals, residence hall directors, etc. CORE Institute, Health Surveys, Home grown surveys
Got Data….Now What? Review the data with school officials who can assist you with campaign….Vice Presidents, Counselors, Deans, etc. Upon approval share components with student focus groups to get their reactions to data Develop effective campaigns
Effective Campaigns Utilize a 51% or more base of students…recommend not less than 54% example: 58% drink 4 fewer or none at all. Utilize pictures from local campus/area if possible K.I.S.S. Principle should apply Site the data source…. Source: CORE Survey, Fall 2003
Social Norming Examples
Social Norming at Rutgers
Social Norming At Arizona
Hobart & William Smith College Progressive Social Norms
Indiana University of PA Pink Flamingo Campaign
Bloomsburg University Has reduced average # of drinks consumed by males from 9.2 per week to 6.4 per week When combining male/female average drinks consumed per week is under 6 – messages indicate this. Utilize off campus printing donated for social norming campaign.
Mansfield University Graduate Students conducted focus groups to evaluate campaign Utilized a Mansfield specific survey instrument. ¼ of students believed alcohol policies enforced – only 5% drink in residence halls Result: Current policies, perceived not enforced, still deter drinking on campus
Mansfield University 25% of students do not drink Of remaining 75% only 19% stated drinking to getting drunk Message was initially met with great skepticism (61% of MU upperclassmen consume 0-4 drinks per week) Repeated exposure to message gained it acceptance
Mansfield University Wording is critical to successful campaign “in a sitting”, “who party”, “drink responsibly” were said to have needed definition. Positioning of lines also came into question If text is difficult to follow it will not be read.
Franklin and Marshall Utilized the Blues Brothers stopping students on campus and asking about the facts on the campaign – correct answer was rewarded with prizes.
Other Schools Penn State Altoona “Expect the Unexpected” Social Norms Campaign Kutztown University Villanova University PLCB Social Norms Project
Resources Higher Education Center
Questions?? Kenneth Healy PA Liquor Control Board