FSL Cluster Coordination meeting, 28 th November, 2013 PRELIMINARY FINDINGS OF THE EFSAs IN PIBOR, GUMRUK, KONGOR AND ACHARI.


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Presentation transcript:

FSL Cluster Coordination meeting, 28 th November, 2013 PRELIMINARY FINDINGS OF THE EFSAs IN PIBOR, GUMRUK, KONGOR AND ACHARI

Assessment coverage Locations covered: Pibor, Gumuruk and Kongor Payams in Pibor County and Achari in Pochalla County- based on access Assessments conducted from 7 th October -2 nd November 2013 Collaborative effort of Plan International, NPA, Oxfam, WFP and MSF (Nutrition) 1,269 HHs assessed across the four locations, 4,314 children under 5 years screened for acute malnutrition using MUAC Quantitative and qualitative methods used in data collection

Objective Develop an understand of the food security and livelihoods situation of the communities in the 4 locations: specifically o Current food security and livelihoods situation o How people are coping o How the situation may evolve in the short and medium term o If any critical needs

Findings: Food Security Situation Overall, worse FS outlook compared with the rest of JS (31% SFI vs 5.5%; 53% MFI vs 32%) Variations in FI levels but Achari reflects worse situations compared to the rest

Food consumption 62% of HHs have inadequate food consumption (31% poor and 31% borderline) Worse food consumption compared to the rest of Jonglei Achari with worse FCS while Pibor is better

Food access Composite indicator integrating income reliability, stability and HH expenditures 78% have poor food access Variations exist across locations

Income activities/sources Main income sources: Sale of natural resources, sale of livestock, Variations: Pibor, Gumuruk due to availability of functioning markets Less sale of natural resources in Kongor due to lack of market

Expenditures 77% income spent on food; 36% on cereals alone

Expenditures on food Less spending on food in Kongor due to lack of a functioning market

Coping strategies index 32% and 3% use medium and high coping strategies respectively compared to only 2% in the rest of JS; indicating more use of adverse coping strategies in Pibor than the rest

Coping strategies applied More HHs use each of the coping strategies in Pibor than else where in JS and South Sudan

Shocks Insecurity greatest shock reported Lack of food reported only in JS due to limited market access Delayed rains and weeds least shocks because few people cultivated

Recommendations A combination of conditional and unconditional food assistance depending on possible operation modes Targeted supplementary feeding programme to keep the acute malnutrition levels low Regular situation monitoring Fisheries assistance through providing access to fishing gears Provision of veterinary services Provision of education and health services Sanitation interventions Agricultural production inputs for next season if the situation improves