Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Nutrition Cluster Coordination Meeting WHO conference hall am pm
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Agenda Welcome and introductions (Deborah. 5 mins) Approval of the provisional agenda (Deborah, 1 min) Review of the action points from the previous meeting (Deborah, 5 min) Reporting status (Austin. 10 min) SAG update (Trina, SAG representative. 15 mins) Rapid Response Team missions (UNICEF; WFP, 30 mins) Supply pipeline update and procedures (Manjit; UNICEF) 10 mins IYCF presentation (Samuel, IMC. 10 mins) IYCF-E presentation on Breastmilk Substitutes (Daisy, UNICEF. 10mins) Jonglei State Coordination (Abernet, Save the Children. 5 mins) AOB (10 min) – Contributions to the Cluster Bulletin (Deborah) – IPC (Deborah) – CRP review (Deborah)
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Action pointsFocal point/agencyTimeline To share with the partners file with calculations for county prioritisation and a map of priority counties IMOBy 13 th of April Partners to comment on prioritisation to NCC/IMO. If partner thinks that other county should also be considered a priority a clear explanation (including SAM, GAM rates, IDP figures from confirmed sources, etc.) should accompany such comments. Partners- A meeting on RRMs to be organised and all interested partners are to participateNCC / Partners/UNICEF-WFP-FAOASAP ACAPS to use the proposed outline of the report and to engage with the cluster on a regular basis during review preparation ACAPS Until final draft approved by the cluster To develop an operational guidance on how to deal with those mothers who cannot breastfeed UNICEF IYCF Specialist Partners who do IYCF programmes as a separate programme or a part of the comprehensive package to update the 3W accordingly. PartnersBy 20 th of April Nutrition partner working in Jonglei to get in touch with Abenet Takela - Nutrition Focal Person, hosted by SCI Partner working in JongleiBy 25 th of April All partners to submit requests for logistics cluster to NCC for approval prior to submission to logs cluster All partnersRegularly SAG to discuss Cluster Performance monitoring report and to share final report with the partners. SAG; NCCBy 20 th of April Partners to check if information on submitted reports and 3W are correct and to submit missing reports / correct 3W All partnersBy 20 th of April
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Reporting Weekly Reporting Weekly reports are expected from ALL partners from every county in ALL 10 states in SS, (All 10 states included in CRP) For partners working on PoCs, we propose to report per site. (Weekly reports per Site). DB will be amended to identify PoC and Host Community) All Weekly reports expected on Mondays COB for the previous week.
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Monthly Reporting By the 5 th of the Following Month Reporting Rate is calculated based on the monthly reports received.
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Reporting rate – 09/04/2014
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Reporting rate – 16/04/2014
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan
Reporting situation based on 3W and reports on the 16th of April 2014 Partners/counties3WJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune AAA Tonj North1111 AFOD Juba0001 AAH-I Mundri_West0100 ACF-USA Aweil East1111 Gogrial West1111 Twic1111 AVSI/SMoH Ikotos0100 Brac Rumbek Centre1111 Rumbek_North0110 Rumbek_East0110 CARE Rubkona0N/A11
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Progress towards CRP targets (January - March 2014) No major changes, No new monthly reports Next update expected on the 9 th May 2014 (after receiving monthly reports by the 5 th
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Integrated Food Security Phase (IPC) What is the Purpose of the IPC? To consolidate complex analysis of food security situations for evidence-based decision support Current and projected ‘Situation Analysis’ (classify the nature and severity of food insecurity (e.g. severity, magnitude, causes) which are most relevant for an effective and efficient response
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Integrated Food Security Phase (IPC) Working group discussions on: Food Security Livelihoods Nutrition Markets Agriculture Climate Health Water/Sanitation Gender Statistics. Others....
Nutrition Cluster - South Sudan Thank you