Dynamic Survey Design Survey is designed by the user Implementation through dynamic code i.e., database driven Hard code is often better Rarely totally dynamic
Variable Database (VDB) VDB Variables can include: Number of pages in the survey Number of questions Type of Questions (radio, text, pulldowns, etc.) Introductory text Validation Colors, fonts, styles, etc. …. User defined variables Can be entered through a web interface!
The Dynamic Concept Variable VDB Code calls variables Code Outputs Survey LDB Look-up Code Stores Responses RDB Response Data is sent to your stats package & basic stats are performed! (FTP?) Remember not everything needs to be dynamic!
Code for A Dynamic Text Box #introtext# <cfinput type=#typ# name=#nam# align=#alig# required=#requir# message=#messag# size=#siz# maxlength=#maxlengt#> Can be stored in your LDB!
Code for A Dynamic Text Box